ARTHUR: Daily Mobility Homework

*Set a 10min timer for each, but if you have the time and it feels good to keep going, you can go as long as you still WANT to (ie don’t force it just for the sake of going longer)

  1. Open AMS (automatic movement system): 10min
    *Start from standing; no rules for how much to move or be still; simply allow your body to only do as much or little as it feels like doing from moment to moment

  2. Continuous AMS: 10min
    *Stay in motion (even if barely or subtly) by following your own instincts in the moment, without plans or preferences for what happens each day

Standard homework:

  1. Jackhammer: 5min
    *Focus: Imagine shaking the meat off the bones, as if trying to shake the tension out of your entire muscular system

  2. Standing stillness (eyes closed): 1min
    *Focus: Simply feel the circulation and after-sensations from jackhammer

  3. Floor touches (fingertips): 10x per hand -> 10x both hands
    *Focus: Finding most efficient way to bend over and touch the floor (hold each contact for 3sec)

  4. Deep squat: 5x + 2min hold
    *Focus: Sit into bottom position as if “leveraging gravity” to continue gradually deepening the position during the hold

  5. Standing overhead reach: hold for 10B
    *Focus: Lengthening entire body upward; key areas to pay attention to are gentle but consistent activation of upper back / traps, pleasant amount of stretch in upper abdomen / solar plexus, and a general opening of the shoulders as if reaching palms toward ceiling

  6. Pike (fold) stretch: 5B down + 10B hold + 3B up
    *Focus: Subtly engage hip flexors, quads, and abs in gently pulling your abs toward your quads while simultaneously attempting to soften the entire backside of body with each breath; don’t use much force, focus again on positioning your body to leverage your weight and let gravity help SLOWLY deepen the stretch.