Home Sessions (added 1-15-23):

  • *B = breaths

    1. Farmer walk (1min): walking with one DB in each hand (start at 24lbs)

    2. Wall calf stretch: 4B

    3. Bear (down & back) + face pulls (10-20x): 2 rounds of each

    4. Monkey (down & back) + A pulls (10-20x): 2 rounds of each

    5. Crab walk (down, not back) + T pulls (10-20x): 2 rounds of each

    6. Walking lunges (10-20 steps) + straight-arm Y pulls (10x): 2 rounds of each

    7. Post lat stretch: 3-6B / arm

    8. Ostrich: 10-20 steps

    9. DB overhead raise + bent-over raise: 3lbs x 15 each

    10. Post pec stretch: 3-6B / arm

    11. Double inhale sighs: 10B

  • *B = breaths
    DB = dumbbell

    1. Suitcase walk (1min / side): walk with DB in one hand only (start at 24lbs)

    2. Downward dog calf stretch: 3B / side + 3B together

    3. Floor core sequence (crunch motions are on exhales, extensions on inhales):
      a) Supine head-supported arch + crunch (4B)
      b) Prone side tilts (4 / side, reach toward knees)
      c) Prone side high look + opposite leg lift (4 / side)
      d) Prone front high look + optional double leg lift (4B)
      e) Supine opposite knee-to-elbow crunch (4 / side, alternating)
      f) Single-leg raise crunch (4 / side, not alternating)

    4. Countertop push-ups (choose # based on being stimulating, but not overly hard)

    5. Band pull-apart (10-30x depending on resistance level)

    6. Low knee plank: 7-10B

    7. Knee side plank: 7-10B

    8. Bird dog: 5-8B

    9. Couch stretch: 5B / side

    10. Side lying quad stretch: 5B / side

    11. Crab bridge (3-6B)

    12. DB overhead raises + bent-over raises (3lbs / hand x 15 each)

    13. Figure-4 stretch: 4-6B / side

    14. Legs crossed stretch: 4-6B / side

    15. Pancake: 5-10B

    16. Bench pec stretch: 3-6.5lbs for as long as feels good

LA / India Trip (Oct/Nov 2022):

  • *B = breaths
    DB = dumbbell


    • Standing overhead reach to fold:

      • Begin w/ 2B per movement and position (2B raising arms, 2B hold, 2B fold, 2B hold)

      • Follow w/ 5B lifting to overhead on each inhale, folding on exhales

    • Downward dog to plank: 5B in DD, then 5B in plank

    • Up & downs: 10 smooth U&D's to chest and back to standing

      • 5x planting hands and then stepping back

      • 5x keeping feet in place and walking hands forward

    Strength & Mobility: A (3x)

    • DB clean to push press (3rd demo variation in video uses push press)

      • Begin w/ 6kg DB's, increase by 2kg after any set of 12+

    • Hang: 40sec pseudo hang if possible (otherwise, 10sec full hang)
      *If no bar, simply hold DB's by your side for 1min at end of clean & press sets

    • Pseudo Poliquin step: 12x per side
      *Rather than using a step, simply stand on the floor and tap your heel further forward on the floor

    Strength & Mobility: B (2x)

    • DB 2-arm Cuban rotation: 3kg DB's x 12 // 4kg DB's x 8

    • Lizard push-ups: 10x

    • Horse stance squats (7-step stance): 8 reps, 3sec holds at bottom


    • Bench lat-tricep stretch: 4kg DB x 1min

    • Bench chest stretch: 4kg DB's x 1-2min

    • Savasana: 1-5min

 Kazakhstan Trip #2 (Aug 2022):

  • Rotate between A/B morning sessions:

    • A session can be done as many times per week as you’d like

    • B session only to be done up to 2x per week

  • PM session listed below AM sessions

Morning Session A
(no equipment)

  • Warm-up (1 set)

    • 10 deep breaths (from standing)

    • 4x up & downs (2x to back and then stand, 2x to chest and then stand)
      *Tempo: 2 breaths down, 2 breaths up

  • Round 1 (FF = free-form movement):

    • Tabletop FF: 1min

    • Bear FF: 1min
      *Can be done in place (eg downward dog) or moving depending on space

    • Deep squat: 1min

  • Round 2:

    • Half kneeling FF: 1min / side
      *Anything with 1 knee down

    • Monkey FF: 1min
      *Can be moving variations or just stretching from squat

    • Standing forward fold FF: 1min

  • Round 3:

    • Seated FF: 1min
      *Any movement / stretching with one or both hips on the floor

    • Lizard: 10x lizard push-ups (6 / side)

    • Ostrich FF: 1min

    • Crab FF: 1min

  • Savasana: 10 easy breaths

 Morning Session B
(at gym)

*If clean & presses begin to feel easy, gradually increase weight (by 1kg at a time if possible). To progress Cuban rotations, stick to the same weight and simply add 1 rep at a time. Be mindful of only increasing weight/reps if you’re recovering well between sessions.

  • Warm-up (1 set)

    • 10 deep breaths (from standing)

    • Tabletop FF: 1min

    • Downward dog calf stretch: 5 breaths per side

  • Round 1:

    • Half kneeling FF: 1min
      *Anything with 1 knee down

    • Clean & Press: 10kg x 10
      *If only dumbbells: 1-arm C&P, 5kg x 10

  • Round 2:

    • Deep squat: 1min

    • Clean & Press: 15kg x 10
      *If only dumbbells: 1-arm C&P, 7kg x 10 / side

  • Round 3:

    • Deep squat: 1min

    • Clean & Press: 20kg x 8
      *If only dumbbells: 1-arm C&P, 8kg x 8 / side

    • Standing fold FF: 1min

  • Round 4:

    • Clean & Press: 25kg x 5
      *If only dumbbells: 1-arm C&P, 10kg x 5 / side

    • Chest fly stretch: 2kg x 1-2min

    • Cuban rotation: 3kg x 12

  • Savasana: 10 easy breaths

 PM Sessions
(can be done in room)

  • Tabletop FF: 1min

  • Half kneeling FF: 1min / side
    *Any movement / stretching with 1 knee down

  • Downward dog FF: 1min

  • Squat FF: 1min

  • Lat-tricep stretch (can use bed or chair): 1-2min
    *Relaxing version, not long stance strength variation

  • Seated pancake stretch: 1-2min
    *Relaxed deep breathing and round back position

  • Supine FF: 2min
    *Any movement / stretching from on your back that feels good

  • Prone FF: 1-2min
    *Any movement / stretching from on your chest or sides

  • Savasana: 5min

 Kazakhstan Trip #1:

  • Alternate between travel workouts A/B below

  • If feeling near 100%, aim for 3 total sessions (A, B, A)

  • If you’re still feeling off but still want to get movement in to stay loose, feel free to lessen the sets, reps, and times to make for easier sessions

 Travel Workout A
(2nd half requires weights)

*All weights adjusted for hotel gym to only use increments of 5lbs

  • Warm-up (1 set)

    • Downward dog calf stretch: 30sec / side

    • Ostrich: 20 steps (10 / leg)

    • Bear: 40 steps (20 / leg)

    • Monkey: 12x (6 / direction)

    • Crab: 10-16 steps (5-8 / leg)

  • Floor Flow + Squats (alternate for 2 sets each; 1min btw)

    • Closed-system flow (90sec): Ostrich + Bear + Monkey + Crab
      *Continuous movement for 90sec flowing between the above animal movements

    • Slow goblet squat (5-10sec down + 5sec hold): 4kg x 4 reps

  • Hang + Press + Hinge (3 sets; 1min btw exercises)

    • Hang (skip if no pull-up bar): 15sec

    • Overhead press (alternating arms):

      • Set 1: 4kg x 20

      • Set 2: 6kg x 15

      • Set 3: 8kg x 10

    • B-stance good mornings (3sec down, 3sec hold): 10lbs x 6 / side
      *1 leg straight, 1 leg bent, dumbbell on upper back

  • Scapular Strength (3 sets; 1min btw exercises)

    • Cuban rotation (4sec down, 2sec up):

      • Set 1: 2kg x 15

      • Sets 2-3: 3kg x 10

    • Trap-3 raises (2sec hold, 3sec down):

      • Set 1: 1kg x 10

      • Sets 2-3: 2kg x 5-7

  • Cool-down (1x)

 Travel Workout B
(no equipment)

  • Downward dog calf stretch: 30sec / side

  • Animal movements, part 1 (3 sets)

    • Bear: 40 steps (20 / leg)

    • Monkey: 12x (6 / direction)

    • Rest: Complete bear and monkey, then rest 90sec between sets

  • Four-leg free-form movement: 3min
    *1 or both hands always touching floor; no additional rules (eyes open or closed)

  • Animal movements, part 2 (3 sets)

    • Frog: 8x (can be on fingertips, palms, or fists)

    • Ostrich: 20 steps (10 / leg)

    • Crab: 10-16 steps (5-8 / leg)

    • Rest: Perform all 3, then rest 90sec

  • Split squat + side plank (3 sets)

    • Split squat: 5 reps (3sec holds at bottom)
      *5-step stance (toe-heel-toe-heel-toe, then pivot to lunge stance)

    • Side plank (on one knee): 6 reps (3sec hold at top + 3sec down until hip sets down)

  • Cool-down (1x)