Derrick’s Practice

Strength & Conditioning
(Tues / Thurs / Sat)

A: 3 sets, minimal rest

  • A1: Drop stance (10x + 10sec hold / side)
    *PULL w/ bent leg to get lower; emphasize lowering the hip of the straight leg

  • A2: Moving headstand (1min)

  • A3: Passive hang on bar (45sec)

B: 4 sets, 2min rest after each full round of B1-3

  • B1: Bulgarian split squat x 10 / leg

    • TEMPO: 3-0-X-1 (3sec down, no hold, powerful up, 1sec pause)

  • B2: Ring dips to 2sec L-sit

    • Max reps, submit set totals below (legs don’t have to be straight on L-sit)

  • B3: Band-assisted chin-ups (underhand grip; start from chest @ bar)

    • Week 1 goal: 1.5 reps (down to straight arms, all the way back up, then slow negative)

C: Max quality sets in 10min

  • C1: Planche lean (10sec)

    • Make sure elbows are 100% locked out

  • C2: Arch hang (10sec)

    • Submit total rounds completed of C1/C2 (quality first, don’t rush)

D: 5 sets, 90sec rest

  • D1: Cuban rotation (stick + band) x 5-10 reps; Tempo: 4sec down, 2sec up

E: 1 set, minimal rest

  • E1: 30sec passive hang (bar, overhand grip)

  • E2: 1min passive standing fold (legs straight)

  • E3: 30sec crab bridge

  • E4: 3min squat with 15lb dumbbell

  • E5: 5min standing or lying meditation (focus on releasing tension from arms without making any adjustments)

Handstands & Mobility
(Mon / Wed / Fri)

A: 3 sets, minimal rest

  • A1: Reverse wrist push-ups (10)

  • A2: Passive hang (45sec)

  • A3: Wrist flexion raises (10)
    *Note: Begin to increase length between hands and knees

  • A4: Dragon scales (3 / side)

B: 3 sets, minimal rest

C: 3 sets, minimal rest

D: 3 sets, minimal rest

E: 3 sets, minimal rest

F: 2 sets, 60sec rest between

G: 1 set, minimal rest

  • F1: 1min passive standing fold (legs straight)

  • F2: 3min squat (don’t use weight unless / until needed)

  • F3: 5min standing or lying meditation (focus on releasing tension from arms without making any adjustments)