Sled push x 5min (alternate btw any form of push in one direction and any form of backward walking pull in the ot)
Wall calf stretch: 30sec / side
*Activate anterior tibialisHalf kneeling hip flexor stretch: 30sec / side
*Activate rear glute as if lifting back knee off the floorSingle-leg balance: 90sec / leg
Weighted butterfly: 20lbs DB’s x 1min (once able to relax, actively engage glutes to pull knees toward floor)
Single-leg touchdowns: 10/leg on 2 plates
[SKIP FOR NOW] Goblet squat: 10lbs x 3 reps x 10sec holds each in deepest position (full squat reps, not partials as in video)
3 sets of seated leg curls (both legs together):
0min: 50 x 11
3min: 50 x 11
6min: 50 x 11
3 sets:
Bodyweight tempo squats (keep heels down and go down only to glute stretch, not full knee bend):
10min: 6 reps at 525 tempo (5s down, 2s hold, 5s up; use a metronome to be exact - each rep should take exactly 12sec / 60sec for the set)
14min: repeat set 1
19min: repeat set 1
3 sets of barbell RDL:
27min: 95 x 14
31min: 95 x 15
36min: 95 x 16
Wall couch stretch: 30sec / side
Walk: 10min+
DEVIN: LOWER BODY (straight sets)
Session feedback / RIR:
*Video submissions:
Zercher squat: final set