Sled x 2min (any variation)
Wall calf stretch: 30sec / side
*Activate anterior tibialis (muscle on front, just outside of shin) on stretching leg throughout holdWall anterior tibialis raise: 10 reps with 3sec pause at top in maximal contraction
SKIP FOR NOW; Front foot elevated split squat stretch: 30sec / side
*Activate rear glute as if lifting back knee from behind (should open hip flexor); keep hips squared forwardSingle-leg balance: 90sec / leg
Baby squats (top 1/4 of squat, done slowly and smoothly): 20x
Weighted butterfly: 20lbs DB’s x 1min (once able to relax, actively engage glutes to pull knees toward floor)
SKIP FOR NOW; Goblet squat: 10lbs x 1min in deepest position only (stay active in keeping your chest high and knees out)
EMOM: 6 sets
1 round =
Single-leg calf raise: 2 per leg + 3sec stretch (complete all reps and hold on first side before switching legs)
Standing side leg raise: 3 per leg (complete all reps on first side before switching legs)
*Can keep fingertips lightly on a wall to help with balance if needed, but keep the pressure minimal
EMOM: 10 sets
*EMOM = Every minute on the minute. Interval timer apps will usually have an EMOM setting that will beep every minute to start the next set. Or just use a stopwatch and keep an eye to start each set right at the top of each minute.
1 set =
Glute squats: bodyweight: 4x
EMOM: 5 sets
1 set =
Replace Step-ups with single-leg touchdowns (note: watch full video before beginning): 5 reps per leg (start at 1 plate, but can increase to 2 if you feel connection to creating tension at the foot and hip to minimize knee pressure)
EMOM: 5 sets
1 set =
Elevated pike stretch: 15lbs x 3 + 5sec hold
*Pause briefly in the stretch on the first 4 reps and stand all the way up between reps
EMOM: 8 sets
1 set =
Single-leg hinge (each set will only be on one leg; alternate legs on each set to get 4 sets each): 2x (1 touch with each hand)
Goblet squat: 10lbs x 1min in deepest position only (as in warm-up, stay active in maintaining posture and opening hips)
Weighted butterfly: 25lbs DB’s x 1min (once able to relax, actively engage glutes to pull knees toward floor)
Wall couch stretch: 30sec / side
Walk: 5min
Session feedback:
*Video submissions: