Down & Ups:
5x to back
5x to chest
5x to cross-legged sit
Bear crawl: 1min
Split squat stretch (front foot on chair): 30sec / side
Prone Y/T/W: 10x each (Y x 10 -> T x 10 -> W x 10; tap floor btw reps, pause 1sec at the top of each rep; focus on using upper back and rear delts)
Rest until fully recovered before beginning rotation 1 (and again before rotations 2 and 3)
As many rounds as possible in 5min:
*Keep track of how many sets you get for submission form belowKnee push-ups x 5
Bodyweight squats: 3x5sec (3 reps with 5sec holds at the bottom)
As many rounds as possible in 5min:
*Keep track of how many sets you get for submission form belowHandstand kick-up to wall: 2x; 1x/leg (stay on wall for 5sec hold after each kick-up)
Single-leg RDL: 10sec hold at bottom, 1x / side
As many rounds as possible in 5min:
*Keep track of how many sets you get for submission form belowCrow: 10sec hold
Kneeling lunges: 5 / leg (odd # sets: reverse lunges; even sets: forward lunges; see link for full demonstrations)
Crab bridge: 10x + 10sec hold
Jackhammer: 10 breaths
Walk: 5min+