Sled push: 2min, any variation
Rowing machine: 2min, light pace
Lu Raises (2.5lbs plates x 15)
Bent-over shoulder extensions: 2.5lbs plates x 15
Plank + downward dog: 5 reps of 5sec holds in both plank and DD
*As in video, exaggerate opening of shoulders in DD (unlike video, you’ll need to bend your knees slightly to give slack to the hamstrings so that you can go deeper into the shoulder stretch
3 sets of lat pull-downs (PD) and knee push-ups (KPU):
PD: 80 x 16-16-16
KPU: x 10-10-10
Rest: 3min after each set
3 sets of chest-supported DB rows + incline DB chest press (set bench to 2 notches of incline above flat setting for both exercises):
Row: 27.5’s x 10-10-10
Chest press: 27.5’s x 10-10-10
Rest: 3min after each set
3 sets of seated BB OHP (no back rest) + DB pullovers (don’t rush the stretch, ease into the bottom of each rep and allow range of motion to increase as your shoulders safely allow):
OHP: 45lbs x 7-7-7
Pullover: 25 x 10-10-10p (only small/fixed elbow bend; lower to full stretch, but only come up above face)
Rest: 3min after each set
3 sets of seated hammer curls + DB skull crushers:
Curls: 15’s x 1 x 65s
*Ultra slow single rep, aiming for 60sec in totalSkulls: 15’s x 1 x 65s
*Same as bicepsRest: 3min after each set
Passive hang: near max hold time
Walk: 5min+
DEVIN: UPPER BODY (top sets)
Session feedback / RIR ratings:
*Video Submissions:
Curls + skull crushers, final set