Dominique’s Practice

December 9 to January 6, 2024

November 25 - December 7, 2023

  • Before runs:

    • Wall tibialis raise: 3sec holds x 10 + no holds x 10

    • Single-leg tap-downs: 10x / leg (can increase by 1 rep every 1-3 weeks until at 20 reps)
      *Standing on 4-5” surface with one foot, bend knee slowly to tap opposite heel to the floor

  • Warm-up (0->9m):

    • Run: 2min

    • Supine hollow hold (arms down by sides): 3 x 15sec

    • Hang (passive): 40sec

    • Downward dog shoulder stretch: 10x + 10sec

    • Navasana: 10x + 10sec

    • Prone handstand line: 20sec

    Handstand Box Hover + Squat Prep (4 sets):

    • Sets 1 and 2:

      • HS box hover (1 set per side): 35-40sec total

      • Bench split squat: 30sec / side

      • Rest 1min

    • Sets 3 and 4:

      • HS box hover: 35-40sec

      • Bodyweight squat: 1 ultra-slow squat (goal: 1min, including 10sec at bottom)

      • Rest 2min

    Push-up + Barbell Squat (4 sets):

    **11-28: Record sets 3 & 4 of push-ups + set 4 of squats

    • Push-ups:
      *Focus on SMOOTHNESS on all push-ups

      • Set 1: 10x knee push-ups

      • Set 2: 6x full push-ups

      • Set 3: 8x full push-ups (Nov 21 & 28: increase to 9x if safe and able to maintain same tempo/technique)

      • Set 4: 14x knee push-ups (same all 4 weeks)

    • Squats (w/ pause):

      • 55 x 12-15-18-20

    • Rest:

      • Sets 1 & 2: 2min

      • Set 3: 3min

    Row + RDL (3 sets):

    **11-28: Record final set of both

    • Chest-supported DB row:

      • 25’s x 12-16-20 (note: move high enough on bench to allow for deeper stretch as in video now linked above; lightened weight slightly to allow for this and less rushed tempo, both of which will make it harder)

    • Single-leg RDL (3sec holds):

      • Bodyweight x 12 (1-3sec pause at bottom of each)

    • Rest:

      • Sets 1 & 2: 2min

  • Warm-up:

    • Run (2min)

    • Single leg compression crunch: 6 / side

    • Low side plank: 30sec / side (if available, face a mirror to ensure your body is as straight as possible)

    • Prone back extensions: 5 smooth reps + 5sec hold of both variations (arms forward, then arms back; watch full video for all cues)

    • Run (1min)

    Rotation 1 (3 sets; 1 set / 4min):

    • Set 1:

      • Prone HS line: 30sec hold

      • Active hang (arms straight, shoulder blades pulled down): 25sec

      • Kneeling hip flexor stretch: 30sec / side

    • Set 2:

      • HS split leg balance: 35-45sec total (take time setting up each balance attempt)

      • Active hang: 30sec

      • Kneeling diagonal hip flexor stretch (reach for opposite leg): 30sec / side

    • Set 3:

      • Repeat HS split leg balance on second side

      • Natural hang (shoulders held however you feel strongest): 50sec

      • Split squat: 30sec / side

    Rotation 2 (4 sets; 1 set / 4min)

    **10-19: Record final set of drop stance

    • Handstand split-leg box hover (as close as possible to 30” tall): spend 35-40sec total

    • Drop stance squats w/ 20lbs: 6-7-8-9 reps per side w/ 3sec holds (set 1: 5x -> set 4: 8x)

    Rotation 3 (3 sets; minimal rest)

    **10-19: Record final set of face pulls

    • Floor flow: 60-90-120sec (set 1: 60s -> set 3: 120s)

    • Face pulls:

      • Set 1: 30 x 20

      • Set 2: 40 x 20

      • Set 3: 50 x 20

    • Hip opener:

      • Set 1: fire hydrant (10x + 10sec per side)

      • Set 2: Pancake: 1min

      • Set 3: Frog: 1min+ (up to 5min)

  • Warm-up:

    • Rowing machine: 500 meters at low to medium intensity (roughly 2.5-3 minutes)

    • Rest 1min

    • Pull-downs: 40lbs x 20

    • Rest 2min

    • Pull-downs: 60 x 12

    Chin-ups + Leg Curls (4 sets)

    **12-2: Record all 4 sets

    • Set 1:

      • Chin-ups: purple band x 5 (continuous)

      • Walk 2min

    • Set 2:

      • Chin-ups: black band x 5
        *9-30: replace with 6 reps of purple band (if this feels easier than 5 reps with black, add a 7th rep)

      • Walk 4min

    • Set 3:

      • Chin-ups: red/orange band x 4 (WEEK 4, 10-21: increase to 5 reps)

      • Walk 4min

    • Set 4:

      • Chin-up: 3 full reps @ bodyweight + slow negative (WEEK 3, 10-14: increase to 4x)

      • Walk 3min

    OHP + Lunge (3 sets)

    **12-2: Record final set of both

    • Z Press:

      • Week 1 (9-30): 30 x 19

      • Week 2 (10-7): 30 x 20

      • Week 3 (10-14): 35 x 15

      • Week 4 (10-21): 35 x 16

    • Reverse lunge:
      *Keep the same all 4 weeks

      • Set 1: bodyweight x 15 / side (alternate legs each step)

      • Set 2: 15lbs DB’s x 15 / side

      • Set 3: 30lbs DB’s x 15 / side

    • Rest:

      • Set 1: 2min

      • Set 2: 3min

      • Set 3: 2min

    Handstand + Hyper (3 sets)

    **12-2: Record final set of hyper

    • Chest-to-wall static hold (stay on wall, hands close to wall, legs fully together):

      • All 3 sets: 60sec hold

    • Hyper:

      • Set 1: 20x

      • Set 2: +10lbs x 20

      • Set 3: +25lbs x 17 (week 2: increase to 18, week 3: 19, week 4: 20)

    • Rest:

      • Set 1: 2min

      • Set 2: 3min

      • Set 3: done :)


    • 3-5min walk or rowing machine (if rowing, keep a slow pace so that this is still a cool-down and not hard)

November 9 - December 7, 2023

  • Before runs:

    • Wall tibialis raise: 3sec holds x 10 + no holds x 10

    • Single-leg tap-downs: 10x / leg (can increase by 1 rep every 1-3 weeks until at 20 reps)
      *Standing on 4-5” surface with one foot, bend knee slowly to tap opposite heel to the floor

  • Warm-up (0->9m):

    • Run: 2min

    • Supine hollow hold (arms down by sides): 3 x 15sec

    • Hang (passive): 40sec

    • Downward dog shoulder stretch: 10x + 10sec

    • Navasana: 10x + 10sec

    • Prone handstand line: 20sec

    Handstand Box/Chair Hover + Squat Prep (4 sets):

    • Sets 1, 2, 3:

      • HS box hover (1 set per side): 35-40sec total

      • Bench/chair split squat: 30sec / side

      • Rest 1min

    • Set 4:

      • HS box hover: 35-40sec

      • Bodyweight squat: 1 ultra-slow squat (goal: 1min, including 10sec at bottom)

      • Rest 2min

    Push-up + Zercher Squat (EMOM x 10):
    *EMOM = Every minute on the minute (can download an EMOM timer for this). Perform both exercises at the start of each minute for 10 minutes in a row. Make sure not to rush or sacrifice technique. Log RIR of final set.

    • Knee push-ups x 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 (10 sets of 5)

    • Zercher Squats: 45lbs x 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 (10 sets of 5)

    Ring Row + 1L RDL (EMOM x 10):
    *Log RIR for final set (also include ring strap setting that allows for 6-12” of clearance at the bottom of each rep)

    • Bent-leg ring rows x 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4

    • Single-leg RDL: ~30lbs bar x 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 (only 1 leg per set; left leg on odd sets, right on even; ie 5 sets per leg in total)


    • Walk: 5min+

  • Warm-up:

    • Run (2min)

    • Single leg compression crunch: 6 / side

    • Low side plank: 30sec / side (if available, face a mirror to ensure your body is as straight as possible)

    • Prone back extensions: 5 smooth reps + 5sec hold of both variations (arms forward, then arms back; watch full video for all cues)

    • Run (1min)

    Rotation 1 (3 sets; 1 set / 4min):

    • Set 1:

      • Prone HS line: 30sec hold

      • Active hang (arms straight, shoulder blades pulled down): 25sec

      • Kneeling hip flexor stretch: 30sec / side

    • Set 2:

      • HS split leg balance: 35-45sec total (take time setting up each balance attempt)

      • Active hang: 30sec

      • Kneeling diagonal hip flexor stretch (reach for opposite leg): 30sec / side

    • Set 3:

      • Repeat HS split leg balance on second side

      • Natural hang (shoulders held however you feel strongest): 50sec

      • Split squat: 30sec / side

    Rotation 2 (4 sets; 1 set / 4min)

    **10-19: Record final set of drop stance

    • Handstand split-leg box hover (as close as possible to 30” tall): spend 35-40sec total

    • Drop stance squats w/ 20lbs: 6-7-8-9 reps per side w/ 3sec holds (set 1: 5x -> set 4: 8x)

    Rotation 3 (3 sets; minimal rest)

    **10-19: Record final set of face pulls

    • Floor flow: 60-90-120sec (set 1: 60s -> set 3: 120s)

    • Face pulls:

      • Set 1: 30 x 20

      • Set 2: 40 x 20

      • Set 3: 50 x 20

    • Hip opener:

      • Set 1: fire hydrant (10x + 10sec per side)

      • Set 2: Pancake: 1min

      • Set 3: Frog: 1min+ (up to 5min)

  • Warm-up:

    • Plank / downward dog: 10x each (1sec pause in each position)

    • Bodyweight squats x 10

    • Clean and press: ~30lbs bar x 15

    • Rest 2-3min

    Chin-ups + OHP + Lunge (EMOM x 30)

    *EMOM = every minute on the minute; 30 sets at the top of every minute for 30 minutes

    • 1 set =

      • Chin-ups: purple x 1

      • Seated OHP: 45lbs x 2
        *Like Z press, but sitting on a chair instead of the floor

      • Reverse lunge: bodyweight x 2 / leg

    Handstand (4 sets):

    • Chair/box split HS x 30-40sec

    • Rest 2min btw sets


    • 3-5min walk or rowing machine (if rowing, keep a slow pace so that this is still a cool-down and not hard)

HOME SESSIONS, beginning 8-18-23:
2x full body strength + 1x handstands & mobility

  • Before runs:

    • Wall tibialis raise: 3sec holds x 10 + no holds x 10

    • Single-leg tap-downs: 10x / leg (can increase by 1 rep every 1-3 weeks until at 20 reps)
      *Standing on 4-5” surface with one foot, bend knee slowly to tap opposite heel to the floor

  • Warm-up (0->9m):

    • Run: 2min

    • Supine hollow hold (arms down by sides): 3 x 11sec

    • Hang (passive): 40sec

    • Waiter overhead toe stand: 25lbs plate x 20sec (since the olympic plates are larger, just use a single plate instead of the two 10lbs plates we use here)

    • Navasana: 10x + 10sec

    • Prone handstand line: 20sec

    Handstand Box Hover + Squat Prep (4 sets):

    • Sets 1 and 2:

      • HS box hover (1 set per side): 30-40sec total

      • Bench split squat: 30sec / side

      • Rest 1min

    • Sets 3 and 4:

      • HS box hover: 30-40sec

      • Bodyweight squats: 5 reps w/ pauses at bottom

      • Rest 2min

    Push-up + Barbell Squat (4 sets):

    • Push-ups:
      *Focus on SMOOTHNESS on all push-ups

      • Set 1: 8x knee push-ups

      • Set 2: 10x knee push-ups

      • Set 3: 6x full push-ups

      • Set 4: 7x full push-ups

    • Squats (w/ pause):

      • Set 1: 45 x 5

      • Set 2: 45 x 10

      • Set 3: 45 x 15

      • Set 4: 45 x 20

    • Rest:

      • Sets 1 & 2: 2min

      • Set 3: 3min

    Row + RDL (3 sets):

    • Bent-over BB row:

      • Set 1: 30 x 15

      • Set 2: 45 x 10

      • Set 3: 45’s x 12

    • Single-leg RDL (3sec holds):

      • Set 1: 30lbs x 5

      • Set 2: 30 x 5

      • Set 3: 30 x 5

    • Rest:

      • Sets 1 & 2: 2min

  • Warm-up:

    • Run (2min)

    • Single leg compression crunch: 6 / side

    • Low side plank: 30sec / side (if available, face a mirror to ensure your body is as straight as possible)

    • Prone back extensions: 5 smooth reps + 5sec hold of both variations (arms forward, then arms back; watch full video for all cues)

    • Run (1min)

    Rotation 1 (3 sets; 1 set / 4min):

    • Set 1:

      • Prone HS line: 30sec hold

      • Active hang (arms straight, shoulder blades pulled down): 25sec

      • Kneeling hip flexor stretch: 30sec / side

    • Set 2:

      • HS split leg balance: 35-45sec total (take time setting up each balance attempt)

      • Active hang: 30sec

      • Kneeling diagonal hip flexor stretch (reach for opposite leg): 30sec / side

    • Set 3:

      • Repeat HS split leg balance on second side

      • Natural hang (shoulders held however you feel strongest): 50sec

      • Split squat: 30sec / side

    Rotation 2 (4 sets; 1 set / 4min)

    • Handstand split-leg box hover (as close as possible to 30” tall): spend 35-40sec total

    • Drop stance squats w/ 20lbs: 6-7-8-9 reps per side w/ 3sec holds (set 1: 5x -> set 4: 8x)

    Rotation 3 (3 sets; minimal rest)

    • Floor flow: 60-90-120sec (set 1: 60s -> set 3: 120s)

    • Face pulls:

      • Set 1: 30 x 20

      • Set 2: 40 x 20

      • Set 3: 50 x 19

    • Hip opener:

      • Set 1: fire hydrant (10x + 10sec per side)

      • Set 2: Pancake: 1min

      • Set 3: Frog: 1min+ (up to 5min)

  • Warm-up:

    • Run: 2min

    • Down & ups: 4x to back + 4x to chest

    • Hang: 30sec

    • Bent-over rows: 30lbs bar x 12 (pronated/overhand grip, just wider than shoulder width; RECORD THIS SET)

    Chin-ups + Leg Curls (4 sets)
    *Underhand grip on chin-ups

    • Set 1:

      • Chin-ups: purple band x 5 (continuous)

      • 3min rest before next set

      • During 3min rest: resistance band leg curls (red x 15 / leg)

    • Set 2:

      • Chin-ups: black band x 5 (continuous

      • Rest: 4min

      • During rest: band leg curls (red x 20)

    • Set 3:

      • Chin-ups: red/orange band x 3 (continuous; 8-19-23: RECORD THIS SET)

      • Walk: 4min

    • Set 4:

      • Chin-up: 1 full rep @ bodyweight (still do slowest possible negative from top)

      • Walk: 3min

    OHP + Lunge (3 sets)

    • Z Press:

      • Set 1: 30lbs bar x 10

      • Set 2: 30lbs x 15

      • Set 3: 45lbs x 10 (RECORD THIS SET)

    • Reverse lunge:
      *For sets with added weight (sets 2-3): weight will be in the form of a barbell on your back as if doing squats

      • Set 1: bodyweight x 12 / side (alternate legs each step)

      • Set 2: 30lbs bar x 10 / side

      • Set 3: 45lbs bar x 10 / side

    • Rest:

      • Set 1: 2min

      • Set 2: 3min

      • Set 3: 2min

    Handstand + 1L RDL(3 sets)

    • Chest-to-wall static hold (stay on wall, hands close to wall, legs fully together):

      • Set 1: 45sec hold

      • Set 2: 55sec hold

      • Set 3: 60sec hold

    • Single-leg Barbell RDL:

      • Set 1: bodyweight x 5 (3 sec holds on each)

      • Set 2: 30lbs x 5 (3sec holds)

      • Set 3: 30lbs x 5 (3sec holds)

    • Rest:

      • Set 1: 2min

      • Set 2: 3min

      • Set 3: done :)


    • 5min+ walk

Gym homework (1-12-23 to 2-26-23):

  • Warm-up:

    • Run: 2min

    • Bear: 30-60sec

    • Up & downs: 5x to back, then 5x to chest

    Z Press + Zercher Squat (4 sets):

    • Set 1:

      • Standing OH Press: 45lbs (empty barbell) x 6

      • Barbell squat: 45lbs x 6 reps w/ pause

      • Rest 2min

    • Set 2:

      • Standing OHP: 50 x 6

      • Squat: 50 x 6 w/ pause

      • Rest: 2min

    • Set 3:

      • OHP: 55 x 6

      • Squat: 55 x 6 w/ pause

      • Rest: 3min

    • Set 4:

      • OHP: 60 x 6

      • Squat: 60 x 6 w/ pause

      • Rest: 2min

    Push-up + Flow + Core + Stretch (3 sets):

    • Set 1:

      • Push-up: 8x knee push-ups

      • Flow: 1min low flow

      • Core: single leg compression crunch x 5/side

      • Stretch: Kneeling hip flexor stretch: 30sec

      • Rest 90sec

    • Set 2:

      • Push-up: 5 full push-ups w/ 20sec btw reps

      • Flow / core / stretch same as set 1

      • Rest 2min

    • Set 3:

      • Push-up: 5 full push-ups w/ 12sec btw reps

      • Seated hamstring stretch: 5 deep breaths per leg

      • Split squat stretch (like kneeling hip flexor but knee off the floor): 5 deep breaths per side

      • Rest 90sec

    Handstands (5 sets):
    *Aim to pull both feet off the wall together, not 1 at a time, as in the video. Lock in your body position so that the movement is small and is focused only around pulling your legs over your center and then balancing from the hands.

    • Heel pulls to balance: 1-5 attempts per set depending on how long you hold each (ie just do as many as you can do before you’re too fatigued to do high quality reps)

    • Rest 90sec btw sets


    • 3-5min walk

  • Warm-up:

    • Rowing machine: 500 meters at low to medium intensity (roughly 2.5-3 minutes)

    Pull-downs + Mobility (2 sets)
    *For pull-downs, use the type of machine in the video but with both knees down as we’ve been doing

    • Set 1:

      • Pull-downs: 70lbs x 8 reps

      • Frog stretch: hold for 6 deep breaths

      • Fire hydrant: hold for 3 breaths per side

      • Rest 90sec

    • Set 2:

      • Pull-downs: 90lbs x 7 reps

      • Horse stance: 3 x 10sec holds

      • Pancake: 6 deep breaths

      • Rest 2min

    Chin-ups + Cossack/Drop Squat (3 sets)
    *Underhand grip on chin-ups

    • Set 1:

      • Chin-ups: purple band x 5 (25sec btw reps)

      • Cossack squat (holding 10lbs): 6/side w/ 3sec holds

      • 3min rest

    • Set 2:

      • Chin-ups: purple band x 5 (14sec btw reps)
        *Let me know in the workout notes if you’re able to do all 5 with the shortened rest at 14sec

      • Drop stance squat (holding 10lbs): 6/side w/ 3sec holds

      • 2min rest

    • Set 3:

      • Chin-up: 1 bodyweight negative at slowest speed possible

      • Drop stance squat (holding 10lbs): 6/side w/ 3sec holds

      • Rest 2min

    Chest-Supported Dumbbell Rows + Round-Back Hypers (3 sets):
    *No pauses on rows

    • Set 1:

      • Row: 25lbs DB’s x 10 reps

      • Hyper: 15 reps

      • Rest 2min

    • Set 2:

      • Row: 30lbs DB’s x 10 reps

      • Hyper: 15 reps

      • Rest 2min

    • Set 3:

      • Row: 35lbs DB’s x 10 reps
        *Let me know in the notes if ROM was better today at 35x10 than at 45x7 before

      • Hyper: 15 reps

      • Rest 2min

    Handstands (5 sets):
    *Aim to pull both feet off the wall together, not 1 at a time, as in the video. Lock in your body position so that the movement is small and is focused only around pulling your legs over your center and then balancing from the hands.

    • Heel pulls to balance: 1-5 attempts per set depending on how long you hold each (ie just do as many as you can do before you’re too fatigued to do high quality reps)

    • Rest 90sec btw sets


    • 3-5min walk or rowing machine (if rowing, keep a slow pace so that this is still a cool-down and not hard)

Previous homework (11-5-22 to 1-10-23):

  • Warm-up:

    • Run: 2min

    • Bear: 2x down & back living room

    • Up & downs to chest: 5x

    • Ostrich: 1x down & back living room

    Push-ups + Flows (6 sets):
    *Submit form w/ how many reps you get on sets 2-6 of push-ups; aim to pace early sets to avoid burnout

    • Push-ups:

      • First set: 5x knee push-ups

      • Sets 2-4: full push-ups w/ assistance from red band on pull-up bar; two reps w/ 30sec rest btw each round of 2 (goal: 3-6 rounds of 2 reps per set)

      • Sets 5-6: Max rep knee push-ups

    • Low flows: 1min / set

    • Rest 2min before next push-up set


    • Tabletop wrist warm-up (30-60sec)

    • 3-5 sets of wall split handstands (rest 90sec btw sets)

    • Reverse wrist stretch (10x + 10sec)

  • Warm-up:

    • Up & downs to back: 8x

    • Bear: 2x down & back living room

    • Ring rows: 6x

    • Ostrich: 1x down & back living room

    Chin-ups + Flows (6 sets):

    • Pull-ups:

      • First set: Green x 3

      • Sets 2-4: purple band cluster set for near maximum reps (25s rest btw reps)

      • Sets 5-6: Max rep ring rows

    • Low flows: 1min / set

    • Rest 1min before next pull set


    • Tabletop wrist warm-up (30-60sec)

    • 3-5 sets of wall split handstands (rest 90sec btw sets)

    • Reverse wrist stretch (10x + 10sec)

Beginning 8-20-22:

 10-20-22 homework:

Warm-up + Intuitive Stretching:

  • 5min standing meditation

  • 10min free-form stretching with deep breathing (eyes closed)
    *No rules, just stretch however you feel inclined for 10min and attempt to maintain focus on deep breathing the entire time

Strength + Movement Flows:

  • Low flow w/ push-up transitions: 2min

  • Hang: 20-30sec

  • Rest 1min

  • Tabletop lizard push-ups: 10x

  • Up & down flow: 1min

  • Pull-ups: Green x 3

  • Rest 1min

  • Tabletop lizard push-ups: 10x

  • Low flow: 1min

  • Pull-ups: Purple x 1+ (as many single reps as possible with 30sec rest btw each)

  • Rest 1min

Handstands + Stretching:

  • 4 sets of 30sec + split wall handstand

  • After each set: 1-2min intuitive stretching


Beginning 6-24-22:

 Full Body


  • Squat: 15x

  • Low plank: 35sec

  • Side plank: 25sec / side

  • Crow: 1x12sec hold

Pull-ups + Lizard (4 sets, 90sec rest btw exercises)

  • Pull-ups:

    • Set 1: Ring rows x 8 (pause at top)

    • Set 2: Purple x 2

    • Set 3: Black x 1

    • Set 4: Red x 1

  • Lizard push-ups:

    • Set 1: knee lizard PU x 10

    • Set 2: full lizard PU x 6

    • Set 3: knee low lizard crawl x 10

    • Set 4: practice full low lizard crawl (DEMO; no set # yet, just try to find spacing)

Handstand + Squats (4 sets, rest as needed)

  • Handstand: Split stance wall hold (30sec)

  • Pause squats (2s pause just above resting squat depth): 15x

Beginning 5-21-22:
Push/Pull on alternating sessions 



  • Squats: 12x

  • Low plank: 30sec

  • Side plank: 15sec / side

Crow + Squats (3 sets, 1min rest btw exercises)

  • Crow: 10-12sec holds (gradually increase clearance from floor, especially head / feet)

  • Pause squats (2s pause just above resting squat depth): 15x

Push-ups (4 sets, 2min rest btw sets)

  • Knee push-ups (fists, 1sec pause at bottom):

    • Set 1: 8x

    • Set 2: 9x

    • Sets 3 & 4: 10x



  • Squats: 12x

  • Low plank: 30sec

  • Active underhand hang (shoulders down): 20sec

  • Side plank: 15sec / side

Ring rows + Good mornings (2 sets, 1min rest btw exercises)

Pull-ups (4 sets, 2min rest btw sets)

  • Set 1: Eye level isometric hold with purple band

  • Set 2: Eye level isometric hold with black band

  • Set 3: Single rep chin-up with red band

  • Set 4: Eye level isometric hold with green band (20+ seconds)

  • Bonus set: 10 ring rows (1sec pause)

Saturday, 5-14-22

  • Warm-up (1x)

    • 10 scapula push-ups (tabletop, fingers forward)

    • 12 lying tuck-ups

    • 30s low plank

    • 15sec side plank (per side)

    • 40sec hang

  • 3 rounds of:

    • Knee Push-ups (fist grip, 1sec pause at bottom): 8-9-10x

    • Ring Rows (1sec pause at top): 8-9-10x

    • Squats: 15x


Bent Arm/Leg Strength
(Mon / Wed / Fri)

A: 3 sets, minimal rest

B: 2 sets*, minimal rest

*Increase to 3 sets beginning Aug. 9

  • B1. RB-assisted push-ups (maximum reps)

  • B2. Ring rows (max reps w/ straight legs, slow negative on last rep)

  • B3. Bulgarian split squats (5)
    *3sec negatives; back foot on chair, couch, stool, etc

C: 1 set

  • C1. Max height boat pose (30sec)

  • C2. Pancake (1min)

  • C3. Crab bridge (30sec)

Straight Arm/Leg Strength
(Tues / Thurs)

A: 3 sets, minimal rest

  • A1. Drop stance (10x + 10sec per leg)
    *Foot of straight leg at wall

  • A2. Reverse wrist push-ups (10)
    *From fists toward back of hands; don’t let shoulders behind index fingers

B: 3 sets, minimal rest

  • B1. Single-leg good mornings (5 / leg; 4sec down, 4sec holds)

  • B2. Handstand heel pulls (10x + hold attempt on last rep)

C: Maximum sets in 10min

*Log total sets below. Don’t rush, use short rest breaks as needed to ensure quality

  • C1. Ring support hold (10sec)
    *Use red band for assistance

  • C2. Hanging arch pulls (10sec, maximum height)

D: 1 set

  • D1. Max height boat pose (30sec)

  • D2. Pancake (1min)

  • D3. Crab bridge (30sec)