Gary’s Program
Homework Sessions:
*Weekend of 9-28 to 9-30: Push + Hinge
“Morning stretch” flow:
Start from lying on your back
Full body, feel-good-tension stretching for 2min
Free-form foot movement / activations: 1min per foot
Straight-leg bear crawl: 30sec
“Under the table” flow: 2min (continuous, flowing movement near floor level)
Extended cat-cow stretch: 1min (before first time doing it, watch the first 6.5min of this video for context and then perform only the extended cat cow)
Wrist warm-up: the usual sequence of 5x + 5sec each (can be on the floor or wall):
First knuckle push-ups
Finger push-ups
Hand push
Hand pull
Standing wrist curl-ups
Standing meditation while you rest for 2-3min
4L = 4-legged (only hands/feet touch floor, always at least 1 hand touching)
Perform a 4L flow, slowly transitioning through 3-5sec holds on 1 hand and 1 foot
Alternate days between doing the contralateral or ipsilateral version (contra = opposite side of body hand/foot; ipsi = same side hand/foot)
If doing these, add another 2-3min standing meditation for rest before handstands)
1x chest-to-wall handstand hold (no balances): no need to track time, just focus on best possible body position and come down before losing position or becoming so forceful that you’ll be overly fatigued for balances
2-3min standing meditation (focus on slowing down time before next handstand!)
Chest-to-wall handstand balances (note: this is an alternate way of leaving the wall that we can play with to teach you how to actively open your shoulders)
If needed based on wall / space situation, you can replace it with heel pulls
8-1-23 Pull Session:
Arm circles: 20sec / direction
Run: 2min
“Pendlay” DB face pulls: 5’s x 15
*From bent-over row position, perform face pulls with DB’s and set weights on floor after every repLat stretch (can use any vertical post): 30sec
Wall hand/wrist prep: 4 wall movements (5x + 5sec each) + 5x/5s standing wrist curls
Handstands, 3 sets:
Chest-to-wall balance sets (moderate intensity by final set; rest 2-3min btw sets)
Barbell Pendlay Rows, 3 sets:
45 x 12
*On this set only, you don’t have to set the bar down since a 45lbs bar won’t have much clearanceRest 3min
65 x 12
*Full set-down on each rep; use full-size rubber bumper plates to create more bar clearanceRest 4min
80 x 10
Rest 4min
Pull-ups, 4 sets:
Sets 1 & 2: Assisted pull-up warm-up (if they have an assisted pull-up machine, experiment to find a weight that feels fairly easy on set 1 and moderate on set 2; both @ 5 reps)
Rest: 2-3min after first set and 3-4min after 2nd
Set 3: Full pull-ups x 5 reps
Rest 5min
Set 4: Full pull-ups x 6 reps
Rest 5min
Single-arm bench preacher curl + side lying external rotation, 3/2 sets:
Set 1:
Curls: 15 x 15
ER: 5 x 15
Rest 3-4min
Set 2:
Curls: 22.5 x 5
ER: 10 x 15
Rest 4-5min
Set 3:
Curls: 20 x max reps (text me how many you get)
ER: none
Rest as needed before chest stretch
Barbell pullover (feet on bench): 20lbs x 10 + 10s stretch
Prone shoulder capsule stretch: 30sec / side
GYM SESSIONS (beg. March 2023):
Light run: 2-4min
Lat stretch w/ leg of pull-up bar: 5 breaths each
External rotator activation to overhead: red band x 5 breaths total time under tension
Arm raises: 4lbs DB’s x 15 overhead + 10 bent over extensions
Handstand (4 sets @ 3min)
Heel pulls to balance: Depending on the length of holds, do 1-3 attempts per set (or simply stop before quality drops)
Single-arm DB OHP (5 sets @ 3-5min rest)
*Take the full 5min rest before the last 2 sets. Adjust weight if needed on final 2 sets since we have no references for this exercise yetSet 1: 19lbs x 5 / arm
Set 2: 24 x 5 / arm
Set 3: 29 x 5 / arm
Set 4: 34 x 5 / arm
Set 5: 39 x 5 / arm
Weighted Cane Dips (4 sets @ 3-5min rest)
Set 1: body weight x 5
Set 2: 16.5lbs vest (5 weights in vest) x 5
Set 3: 30.25lbs vest (10 weights in vest) x 5
Set 4: 44lbs vest (all 15 weights in vest) x 5
Arm Raises (2 sets @ 4min):
Set 1: 9lbs x 10
Set 2: 11.5lbs x 10
Hanging decompression: 5 breaths
Walk: 5min+
Light run: 2-4min
Hang: 4 deep breaths
*Full or pseudo hang, whichever feels best that dayArm raises: 3lbs DB’s x 15 overhead raises + 15 bent-over raises
*3lbs = DB w/o collars
Ring Rows (3 sets @ 4min intervals)
*Bent leg variation w/ brief pause at top (see video link)Set 1: 6 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Pull-ups (4 sets @ 4min intervals)
Set 1: Purple band assistance x 5 reps
*Put band on pull-up bar, but use rings for pull-upsSet 2: 5 full pull-ups w/ 2 deep breaths btw each rep
Set 3: 5 pull-ups @ +13.75lbs (4 weights in vest) w/ 2 deep breath btw each rep
Set 4: 5 full pull-ups without rest
Bicep curls (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
*Perform overhand curls first, then follow immediately with underhand curlsSet 1: 14lbs DB’s x 8+8
Set 2: 21.5lbs DB’s x 5+5
Powell raises (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
*Unlike video demo in link, use an internally rotated grip (palms toward feet) to bias rear deltsBoth sets: 4lbs x 15
Side lying external rotation (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
Set 1: 3lbs x 20
Set 2: 4lbs x 14
Hanging decompression: 5 breaths
Bench pec stretch: 3lbs DB’s for as long as feels good
Light run: 2-4min
Standing knee raise: 15 / leg (short pause at top)
Wall calf stretch: 5 breaths
Seated, legs crossed fold: 4 breaths per side
Goblet squat warm-up (can use a DB of anything from 4-15lbs)
BB Back Squats (4 sets @ 5min intervals)
*TEMPO: 3-5sec slow negative + 1sec pause at full depthSet 1: 65 x 6
Set 2: 95 x 6
Set 3: 115 x 6
Set 4: 135 x 6
Bulgarian Split Squat (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
*TEMPO: 3sec negative, no pause. Can use low bench or parallette for back leg.Set 1: bodyweight x 8
Set 2: 20lbs DB’s x 6
BARBELL RDL (4 sets @ 5min intervals)
*TEMPO: 3-5sec slow negative + 2sec pauseSet 1: 65 x 5
Set 2: 95 x 5
Set 3: 125 x 5
Set 4: 95 x 9
Kneeling “couch” stretch (back ankleon parrallette): 5 breaths per side
Sphinx stretch: 5 breaths
HOME SESSIONS (beg. Dec 2022):
Light run: 2-4min
Lat stretch w/ leg of pull-up bar: 5 breaths each
External rotator activation to overhead: red band x 5 breaths total time under tension
Arm raises: 4lbs DB’s x 15 overhead + 10 bent over extensions
Handstand (4 sets @ 3min)
Heel pulls to balance: Depending on the length of holds, do 1-3 attempts per set (or simply stop before quality drops)
Single-arm DB OHP (5 sets @ 3-5min rest)
*Take the full 5min rest before the last 2 sets. Adjust weight if needed on final 2 sets since we have no references for this exercise yetSet 1: 19lbs x 5 / arm
Set 2: 24 x 5 / arm
Set 3: 29 x 5 / arm
Set 4: 34 x 5 / arm
Set 5: 39 x 5 / arm
Weighted Cane Dips (4 sets @ 3-5min rest)
Set 1: body weight x 5
Set 2: 16.5lbs vest (5 weights in vest) x 5
Set 3: 30.25lbs vest (10 weights in vest) x 5
Set 4: 44lbs vest (all 15 weights in vest) x 5
Arm Raises (2 sets @ 4min):
Set 1: 9lbs x 10
Set 2: 11.5lbs x 10
Hanging decompression: 5 breaths
Walk: 5min+
Light run: 2-4min
Hang: 4 deep breaths
*Full or pseudo hang, whichever feels best that dayArm raises: 3lbs DB’s x 15 overhead raises + 15 bent-over raises
*3lbs = DB w/o collars
Ring Rows (3 sets @ 4min intervals)
*Bent leg variation w/ brief pause at top (see video link)Set 1: 6 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Pull-ups (4 sets @ 4min intervals)
Set 1: Purple band assistance x 5 reps
*Put band on pull-up bar, but use rings for pull-upsSet 2: 5 full pull-ups w/ 2 deep breaths btw each rep
Set 3: 5 pull-ups @ +13.75lbs (4 weights in vest) w/ 2 deep breath btw each rep
Set 4: 5 full pull-ups without rest
Bicep curls (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
*Perform overhand curls first, then follow immediately with underhand curlsSet 1: 14lbs DB’s x 8+8
Set 2: 21.5lbs DB’s x 5+5
Powell raises (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
*Unlike video demo in link, use an internally rotated grip (palms toward feet) to bias rear deltsBoth sets: 4lbs x 15
Side lying external rotation (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
Set 1: 3lbs x 20
Set 2: 4lbs x 14
Hanging decompression: 5 breaths
Bench pec stretch: 3lbs DB’s for as long as feels good
Light run: 2-4min
Standing knee raise: 15 / leg (short pause at top)
Wall calf stretch: 5 breaths
Seated, legs crossed fold: 4 breaths per side
Goblet squat warm-up (can use a DB of anything from 4-15lbs)
DB Front Squats (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
*TEMPO: 3-5sec slow negative + 2sec pauseSet 1: 15lbs DB’s x 10
Set 2: 24lbs DB’s x 5
Bulgarian Split Squat (2 sets @ 4min intervals)
*TEMPO: 3sec negative, no pause. Can use low bench or parallette for back leg.Set 1: bodyweight x 8
Set 2: 16.5lbs vest x 5 (5 weights in vest)
B-Stance RDL (3 sets @ 2min alternating intervals)
*Do ONE side every 2min, alternating sides for 3 rounds per leg.
*TEMPO: 3-5sec slow negative + 2sec pause (hold DB on same side as working leg)Set 1: 24lbs x 5
Set 2: 29lbs x 5
Set 3: 29lbs + 16.5lbs vest x 5
Low plank on knees: 5-10 breaths (on knees so that we can focus on stability and endurance rather than pure strength)
Kneeling “couch” stretch (back ankleon parrallette): 5 breaths per side
Sphinx stretch: 5 breaths
Connecticut Mini-Sessions:
Session A
Pause squats (10x)
Passive squat (1-5min)
Primary Exercises (2-3 sets):
*On banded exercises, can wrap bands at whatever height you can find a stable anchor for; if varied heights available, change anchor from set to set for new angles.
Drop stance (5 x 3sec per side)
*Pull hip deep into socket of straight legHigh-rep band pushes (30-80x)
Ostrich (10 steps per leg)
High-rep band pulls (30-80x)
Standing slow / soft movement flow (2min)
*Any movement that feels therapeutic, automatic, and pleasantStanding meditation (1-5min)
Session B
Pause squats (10x)
Passive squat (1-5min)
Primary Exercises (2-3 sets):
Tabletop free-form movement (90sec)
Split squat (5 x 5sec per leg)
“Toe-stand” (1min)
*Arms overhead, ribs in, heels up, balancing on feet as if in handstandOstrich (10 steps per leg)
Gentle shaking (2min)
*Any kind of shaking, as long as it feels pleasantStanding meditation (1-5min)
2022, Cycle 3b
Began April 5th
MON: Rest
TUES / SAT: Session A
WED / SUN: Session B
Session A
1min each: Bouncing / Neck / Arms / Forward, back, and side bending
1 round of (90sec btw each, loosen wrists during rest breaks):
Loaded butterfly stretch (8 reps @ 3310: 3s down, 3s hold, 1s up, no hold): Sitting with butt against a wall and 15lbs dumbbells resting on knees, lower knees as close to floor as possible on each rep
Horse stance squats (8 reps holding 15lb dumbbell at chest @ 3310 tempo from 5-step stance: toe, heel, toe, heel, toe)
Pancake hang (6 rounds of 5sec active reach followed by 5sec relaxed hang, holding 15lbs dumbbell): Standing with feet spread apart on a bench, fold forward and reach toward the floor with a dumbbell in your hands.
2-3 rounds of (60-90sec btw exercises):
Overhead DB press (alt arms, control lock-out): 10-20x
*Start with 9lbs and increase by 5lbs after any set that reaches 20xBent-Over Rows (1s pause at top; be sure to pull shoulders down/back): 10-20x
*Start with 14lbs DB’s and increase by 5lbs after any set that reaches 15-20
2-3 rounds of (60-90s btw exercises):
Pec push-ups (2s down, 1s hold; fist grip, hands moderately wide and 80% turned in): 10-15x
*Fist grip, hands moderately wide and 80% turned in; focus on keeping the low traps engaged and pecs loaded
*Do first set on knees to 15-20 reps, then switch to full push-ups (4-19-22: 11x full PU on set 2)Concentration curls (3s negatives): 12-20x
*Start with 11.5lbs and increase by 2.5lbs after any set that reaches 20x (4-19-22: 11.5 x 15)
2 rounds of (60sec btw exercises):
Hanging scapula pulls: 3x at 3333 tempo (3sec up, 3sec hold, 3sec down, 3sec hold)
*Here’s an example for a visual (he’s not very flexible so he has to bend his arms quite a bit, but you can still get a good picture of the muscles contracting to create the shoulder blade movement)Pec Fly Stretch (4lbs DB’s): 60sec on set 1, 90sec on set 2
1min each: Bouncing / Neck / Arms / Forward, back, and side bending
Calf stretch (1x): 60sec hold
Wall tibialis raises (1x): 10x (3sec holds at top)
1 round of (60s rest btw exercises):
Jefferson curl: 14lbs x 5 reps @ 6240 (6sec down, 2sec hold, 4sec up)
Split squats: 7x / side (3sec down, 3sec hold)
*Start at half range of motion and gradually deepen as sets and reps go on)
Single-leg elevated pike lift (5 reps, front foot on bench,): 1 rep = 3sec forward hinge while digging front heel into bench; 3sec upright relax; 3sec lift of front leg (both legs locked and no backward lean!); 3sec relax
2-3 rounds of (60-90sec btw exercises):
Trap-3 Raise: 6-10x @ 31X3 (3s down, 1s pause, up with power, 3sec hold)
*Start with 5.25lbs and increase by 1.25lbs after any set that reaches 10 reps (Add a 1.25 plate to only one side at a time; if DB uneven, heavier side should face the ceiling)Cuban rotation (3s down; lock shoulder down to feel rotator cuff): 10-20x
*Start with 4lbs and increase by 2.5lbs after any set that reaches 20x
2 rounds of (60sec rest btw):
Pec fly stretch: 4lbs DB’s x 60-90sec (alternate contract / relax cycles)
Lat-tricep insertion stretch: 4lbs DB x 60-90sec (alternate contract / relax cycles)
Passive hang: 45-60sec
Free-Form Sequence (optional)
If used, focus on therapeutic movement, not hard mobility work
Free-form mobility: 1min (or more) each
Bouncing (hop, run in place, high knees, etc.)
Neck (tilts, tucks, extension, circles, etc.)
Arms (raises, circles, swings, etc.)
Hang (feet up or down, rotations, side bends, etc.)
Wide-leg standing (lunge, hinge, side squat, etc.)
Single-leg standing (1m / side; hinge, bend, reach, etc.)
Repeat single-leg standing: side 2
Hip-width standing (fold, back bends, side bends, etc.)
Downward dog (hinge, open, low traps, shrugs, etc.)
Kneeling - 1 knee + 1 foot (hip opening, half splits, hinge, etc.)
Repeat kneeling: side 2
Tabletop (cat, cow, cobra, puppy, 1-arm raise, wrists, etc.)
Squat (resting, walking, monkey, etc.)
Crab (bridge, sit-back / L-sit, etc.)
Seated stretching (ANY stretching with at least 1 hip on the floor)
Supine lying (relax, plow, hollow, etc.)
Prone lying (Superman, elbow cobra, shoulder opening, etc.)
Bridge (hip bridge, head/full bridge, etc.)
2022, Cycle 2
Feb 15 to Mar 13 (4 weeks)
Mondays: Rest
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays: Full Body - A
Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays: Full Body - B
Thursday (3-10) + Saturday (3-12)
Tabletop FF: hips & spine (1min)
Tabletop FF: scapula & spine (1min)
Puppy and/or downward dog (1min)
Pigeon: 10x + 20s
Squats: 20x
HS prep (Thurs: 1x // Sat: 2x):
Hang: 50sec
Hollow hold: 30sec (thumbs on floor)
Chest-to-wall shoulder openers: 5x (hands ~9” from wall)
Tabletop wrist prep: 8 push, 8 pull, 8 reverse fist push-ups
Handstand box walks
1 set of 3 chest-to-box presses + 15sec hold
Handstand wall heel pulls (floor)
Thurs: 5min
Sat: 10min
L-sit to shoulder stand (LS-SS) + Good Mornings (GM):
*Shoulder stands: open tuck if on canes, straight if on parallettesThurs: 3 sets (1 set = LS-SS x 2 // GM x 6 + 6sec)
Sat: 5 sets (1 set = LS-SS x 3-4 // GM x 8 + 8sec)
Drop Stance + Cuban Rotation
Thurs: 2 sets (1 set = DS x 4 per side // CR: 8lb x 8)
Sat: 3 sets (1 set = DS x 5 per side // CR: 8lb x 8)
“Under the table” movement (2min)
Stick balancing (1min / hand)
Friday (3-11) + Sunday (3-13):
Tabletop FF: hips & spine (1min)
Tabletop FF: scapula & spine (1min)
Puppy (1min)
Pigeon: 10x + 20s
Squats: 20x
HS prep (Fri: 1x // Sun: 2x):
Hang: 50sec
Hollow hold: 30sec (thumbs on floor)
Chest-to-wall shoulder openers: 5x (hands ~9” from wall)
Tabletop wrist prep: 8 push, 8 pull, 8 reverse fist push-ups
Handstand box walks
1 set of 3 chest-to-box presses + 15sec hold
Handstand wall heel pulls (floor)
Fri: 5min
Sun: 10min
Calf + Tibialis raises (1x each)
10x (+10sec stretch) single-leg, bent-leg calf raises
30 wall tibialis raises
10x (+20sec stretch) single-leg, straight-leg calf raises
Pike Push-up (4-8x) + Chin & Skin (1-2x) + Split Squat (10x + 5sec)
Fri: 2 sets
Sun: 4 sets
Hammer Curls (DB15: 10sec + 10-15x) + Wall Pancake (5x + 10sec) + Side Plank (7x + 7sec)
*Hold 15lb DB for wall pancake stretchFri: 1 set
Sun: 4 sets
“Under the table” movement (2min)
Stick balancing (1min / hand)
2022, Cycle 1
Jan 15 to Feb 13 (4 weeks)
Mondays: Rest
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays: Upper body
Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays: Lower body
Friday (2-11) + Sunday (2-13):
Tabletop prep: 10 cat-cows, 10 hip circles, 10 fire hydrants, 10 hip extensions
Warm-up (2x, minimal rest)
15 goblet squats (deep squats holding 15lb DB in front)
Supine (or elbow hook) 1-leg pigeon stretch (10 breath hold)
*Example (can clasp as she does or below knee)
Split squats (30sec btw):
FRI: 1 set of 12 / leg
SUN: 4 sets of 10 / leg
Single-leg good morning + bear crawl (both, then 1m rest):
FRI & SUN: 2 sets of 10x + 10sec, then 40 footsteps in bear
Single-leg good morning + handstand heel pulls (both, then 1m rest):
SUN ONLY: 2 sets of 10x + 10sec, then 5 heel pulls (goal: 3sec holds)
Over-edge crunches + Side Plank Raises (1m btw each):
*Aim for SMOOTH side planksFRI: 1 set of 8 side plank raises + 20 crunches
SUN: 2 sets of 8 side plank raises + 15 crunches
10x (+10sec stretch) single-leg, bent-leg calf raises
30 wall tibialis raises
10x (+20sec stretch) single-leg, straight-leg calf raises
Thursday (2-10) + Saturday (2-12)
Warm-up circuit (Thurs: 1x // Sat: 2x):
Hang: 45sec
[UPDATED] Chest-to-floor line drill w/ stick: 20sec
*Standing w/ chest to wall, reach overhead w/ a stick to imitate handstand line tensionHollow hold w/ stick: 25sec
Tabletop wrist prep: 15sec pressing hands/fingers into floor + 15sec gentle release into wrist / forearm stretch (fingers backward on stretch)
Parallette Handstands (5sec or more to count toward totals)
Thurs: 8min (goal: accumulate 40sec in balance)
Sat: 12min (goal: accumulate 60sec in balance
L-sit to tuck shoulder stand (2sec holds // 2min btw):
Thurs: 3 sets of 3 (pace: 1 set every 2min)
Sat: 5 sets of 3 (pace: 1 set every 2min)
Planche + Pull-ups (rest at least 1min after each round)
***SATURDAY ONLY***8 rounds of 5sec parallette planche + 2 pull-ups (both w/ black band)
Cuban rotations (2m btw):
Thurs: 2 sets of 12 (8lb DB’s)
Sat: 3 sets of 13 (8lb DB’s)
Bicep curls (2m btw; same 2 sets on both days)
1 set of stick + red band x 12 (reverse grip)
1 set of 15lb DB’s x 12 (underhand grip)
PREVIOUS ROUTINE (11-2-21 to 1-13-22)
Mondays & Thursdays: Handstands + Pull
Tuesdays & Fridays: Legs + mobility
Wednesdays & Saturdays: Handstands + Push
Handstands + Pull
(Mon / Thurs)
A: 1x, minimal rest
Squats (40x)
Hang (45s)
Overhead arm raises (20 w/o weight + 10x w/ 8lb DB’s)
Bent-over shoulder extensions (30x w/o weight)
Hip hinge folds (20x)
B: 5x (1min rest)
Wall handstand holds on parallettes
C: 5x (1min rest)
Pull-ups (overhand / narrow grip; purple band)
*Did 5 sets of 5 w/ purple band on 12-6-21
D: 5x (1m rest)
Pullovers (single 8lb DB, 10-15x)
E: 5x (1m rest)
Reverse grip bicep curls (15lb DB’s; 5-8x)
Legs & Mobility
(Tues / Fri)
A: 2x (no rest)
Squats (40x)
Hip hinge folds (20x)
Seated bench pigeon (10 hinges + 10sec hold)
Frog stretch (1-2x 10sec each: knees squeezing in, relaxed, knees pulling apart)
B: 3x (1min between sides)
Split squats
3 sets of 10 w/ back foot elevated ~ 4”
C: 3x (1min rest)
Standing folds (standing on edge of bench; fold torso to thighs, then straighten knees slightly without losing body to leg contact before coming up)
Set 1: 20 reps w/ 8lb DB’s
Sets 2-3: 15-20 reps w/ 15lb DB’s
D: 3x (1min rest)
Seated good mornings
*Sitting on edge of seat, hinge and reach forwardSet 1: Legs bent, 10x + 10sec hold
Set 2-3: Legs straight, 10x + 10sec hold
E: 1x
Side plank crunch on knee (25 / side)
Knee plank ab crunches (25)
Single-leg / bent-leg calf raises (12 / side)
Wall tibialis raises (25x)
Single-leg / straight-leg calf raises (12 / side)
Handstands + Push
(Wed / Sat)
A: 1x
Squats (40x)
Hip hinge folds (20x)
Hang (45sec)
Overhead arm raises (20 w/o weight + 10x w/ 8lb DB’s)
Bent-over shoulder extensions (30x w/o weight)
Headstand presses (10x)
Wrist mobility (10x palm push-up, 10x reverse wrist push-up)
B: 5x (1min rest)
Wall handstand holds on parallettes
C: 5x (1min rest)
L-sit to shoulder stand (5sec holds in each position)
Set 1: Straighten left leg
Set 2: Straighten right leg
Sets 3-4: Straighten both legs
Set 5: Stay in tuck; 3 reps (no holds)
D: 5x (90sec rest)
Wall pseudo planche holds
45” x 20s
43” x 20s
41” x 10s
47” x 60s
E: 5x (1min rest)
Tricep push-ups on single parallette
3 sets of 11
F: 5x (1min rest)
Prone external rotation (10sec x 3)
*As seen on the last slide HERE; note: DB’s will not leave the ground; for each 10sec hold, simply “attempt” to lift the weights (to the point of full muscle activation, but not strain)
PREVIOUS ROUTINE (9-28-21 to 11-1-21)
(Tues / Fri)
A: 2x, minimal rest
A1: 10 knee push-ups
A2: 10 bodyweight squats
B: 1x
C1: Press to headstand (PR: 8 reps on 10-12)
C2: Prone Cobra (10 reps w/ 2sec holds at top)
C: Max # of quality sets in 10min
C1: Band-assisted tuck planche (black band; 15sec hold)
C2: Tuck front lever (15sec)
D: Max sets in 20min
*9-28: completed 4 sets
D1: Split step (15lb dumbbell)
*In-line lunge -> 5s split squat -> 5s drop stance -> stand -> reverse -> second sideD2: Baby muscle-up (3 reps)
D3: Ring dips (3 reps)
D4: Skin the cat (3 reps)
E: Max sets in 12min
E1: One-arm, elbow-supported Cuban rotation (4sec down, 2sec up)
10-12-21: 6 sets of 5 reps / side @ 9lbs
F: 1x
F1: Weighted folds
10-5 / 10-12: 5 folds + 5 knee lock-outs w/ 9lbs dumbbells
F2: 2min free-form hand and wrist movement flow
F3: 2min passive squat
F4: Lying meditation (5min)
Handstands & Mobility
(Mon / Wed / Thurs / Sat)
A: 2 sets, minimal rest
A1: Reverse wrist push-ups (10; wrist stays flat)
A2: Passive hang (30sec)
A3: Side-to-side wrist flexion stretch (10 / side)
A4: Kelley floor line hold (20sec; thumbs up)
A5: Standard chest-to-floor arm lift (20sec; thumbs up)
B: Maximum quality sets in 25min
B1: Heel pulls to balance (accumulate 20sec)
B2: Dragon Scale (1 / direction; pause in each pose)
C: 1 set
C1: Lizard push-ups (6+ reps; hands fixed, legs alternate)
C2: Pigeon pose (30sec / side)
C3: Hip rotations from squat (10x knee in + 10x knee out per side)
*Shift weight to opposite foot when doing knee-in movement
D: Maximum quality sets in 5min
D1: Static QDR hold - level 1 (10sec / side)
*Like this but with your top knee resting on your elbow
E: 1 set
E1: Standing DB folds (5 folds + 5 knee lock-outs w/ 15lbs DB’s)
E2: Ring chest / anterior line stretch (30sec)
E3: Active chest / anterior line stretch (30sec)
*Pec/shoulder/bicep/forearm/wrist/hand stretchE4: Jackhammer shake (5min)
(Mon / Wed / Fri)
A: 3x, minimal rest
A1: Dragon Scale - Level 1 (3 / side)
A2: Headstand presses (3)
A3: Scapular pull-ups to arch hang (3sec holds x 3-5)
B: Max # of quality sets in 10min
B1: Band-assisted tuck planche (purple band; 15sec hold)
B2: Tuck front lever (15sec)
C: 3 sets, 90s rest after MU
C1: Split Step - Level 2 (2/direction; 3sec / position)
C2: Baby muscle-up (2-5 reps)
*Set rings at mid-chest height (bottom of ring) and record the ring # setting (and include it in the comments below)
D: Maximum sets in 10min
D1: Ring sequence (1x dip to L-sit -> muscle-down -> 1x chin-up -> 1x skin-the-cat)
E: 3 sets, 90sec rest
E1: Cuban rotation (max reps; 4sec down, 2sec up)
*Red band on first set; black band on sets 2 and 3)
F: 2x, 60sec rest
F1: Crab reach (3sec holds, 2-3x / side)
G: 1x
G1: 1min passive standing fold (lengthen back to encourage gentle hip hinge)
G2: Lying meditation (5min)
Handstands & Mobility
(Tues / Thurs / Sat)
A: 3 sets, minimal rest
A1: Reverse wrist push-ups (10)
*With hands in fists, bend elbows and lower back of wrist toward floor; Don’t let shoulders drift behind handsA2: Passive hang (50sec; overhand grip)
A3: Wrist flexion raises (10)
*Note: Lower down slower than guy in video; don’t let shoulders drift behind handsA4: Chair lat / tricep stretch (45sec)
*Elbows on chair or couch; lower armpits while keeping ribs pulled in
B: 3 sets, minimal rest
B1: Chest-to-floor body line drill (40sec; use red band)
B2: Active pigeon stretch (10x + 10sec hold per side)
C: 3 sets, minimal rest
C1: Handstand hold / heel pulls (accumulate 15sec in balance)
C2: Partial hip swivel (10s each: active 4 lifts + W-sits; 2 / side + 4 W-sits)
D: 3 sets, minimal rest
D1: Handstand heel pulls (accumulate 15sec in balance)
D2: Diagonal stretch (block to heel, opp arm up; 10x + 10sec per side)
E: 3 sets, minimal rest
E1: Handstand heel pulls (accumulate 15sec in balance)
E2: Back scales (5 x 5sec holds)