Indoor Travel Workouts
*2-4x / week

    • Pogo: 1min
      *Like jackhammer, but keeping all weight on toes and slightly leaving the ground on each bounce

    • Slow squat
      *Tempo: 30sec down / 15sec hold / 15sec up

    • Slow overhead side bend
      *Tempo: 10sec up / 10sec hold / 10sec down (simultaneously raise arm from side and tilt torso sideways)

    • Slow pike stretch
      *Tempo: 30sec down / 30sec hold / 30sec up

    • Bent-over shoulder extension (4 reps)
      *Tempo: 5sec up / 5sec hold / 5sec down (transition directly to plank upon completion, before coming up)

    • Plank + Downward dog
      *Tempo: 30sec in plank / 30sec slow transition to DD / 30sec in DD (then transition directly into cobra)

    • Cobra
      *Hold for 20sec (unlike video, only lift up to the extent that you can do with front of hips still on the floor; arms will likely be bent and working to hold you; aim to find a submaximal depth in which you can prioritize finding a stretch in the upper abdominal area near solar plexus)

  • 3 sets of 10 kick-ups (rest as needed for quality)

    • Push-ups: 10x

    • Triceps pushdown (while available): 15-20 reps

    • Squat: 20x

    • Pull-ups: 3x
      (while available: replace this set and 2nd set with 1-arm cable row x 10-15 reps)

    • Pike: 8 reps @ 3-3-3 tempo

    • REST: 1min

    • Squat: 25 reps

    • Pull-ups: 5x

    • Foot-on-foot pike: 10 reps / leg

    • REST: 90sec

    • Push-ups: 15x

    • Triceps pushdown (while available): 15-20 reps

    • Sliding lunge: 8 / leg

    • Pull-ups: 7x

    • Foot-on-foot pike: 12x / leg

    • REST: 2min

    • Pike push-ups (floor version): 6x

    • Sliding lunge: 12x / leg

    • Pull-ups: ~RPE 8 (1x per week, push closer to limit on quality reps)

    • Single-leg pike (ipsilateral): 12x / leg (vary exact touch spot on floor from rep to rep as in video)

    • REST: 2min

    • Pike push-ups: 3x

    • Regular push-ups: ~RPE 8.5

    • Cossack squat: 10x / leg + 10sec hold on final rep (all reps on 1 leg before switching)

    • Single-leg pike (contralateral): 12x / leg (vary exact touch spot on floor from rep to rep as in video)

    • Twist flop: 1min

    • Jackhammer: 1min

Training Equipment: