Jennifer’s Daily Practice

    • Audio recording only

    • Audio recording (23m)

    • Cuban rotation, 3 sets:
      *Slow on lowering (~4sec)

      • Set 1: 3lbs x 15

      • Set 2: 5lbs x 12

      • Set 3: 5lbs x 15

  • Warm-up

    • Ujjayi deep breaths: 3min
      *No set counts, just long slow breaths

    • Hand and wrist shake-out: 30sec

    • Hand-clasped figure-8’s: 30sec

    • Open-hand figure-8’s: 10x index leads + 10x pinky leads
      *Don’t worry if you don’t remember the full exact movement, just do the best you can :)

    • First knuckle finger stretch: gently stretch each finger for 10-20sec as shown here

    • Tabletop arm rotations: 10 rotations + 10sec hold with elbow pits facing forward
      *Hands directly under shoulders, palms flat on floor, rotate arms with elbows locked

    • Finger-to-forearm stretch: gently hold this stretch for 10-20sec per side

    *2 rotations through all 4 below:

    • Kneeling hip flexor stretch: 30sec

    • Crab bridge: 10x + 10sec hold

    • Ostrich walk: 12 steps (6 / leg)
      *Fold forward on each exhale, step during inhale. Front leg will be locked out during out breath, back leg will be bent.

    • Plank + downward dog: 3 rounds of 1 breath in plank, 2 breaths in DD

    *3 sets of each, alternating exercises

    • Lizard push-ups: 6-10 reps

    • Hang:

      • Set 1: 40sec pseudo hang (feet on floor or stool/chair)

      • Sets 2-3: 10-20sec full hang


    • Standing forward fold: 10 deep breaths (not to maximum depth, just find a comfortable stretch and relax into it; knees can be locked out OR slightly bent)

    • Savasana (lying relaxation on your back): 3min

    • Audio recording only

Equipment links: