Karen’s Home Practice (2-4x/week):

  1. Deep breathing (standing): 10 slow, deep breaths

  2. Standing magnetic sway: 10 or more breaths (if it feels good, you can go as long as you’d like)

  3. Free-form movement (create and explore movement + sensations in the following areas):

    • 2min: tabletop position, focus on movement in shoulder blades + hips + spine

    • 3min: standing, focus on movement of feet + toes

  4. Supine bent-leg knee circles: 30sec / direction / leg

    *Knee directly over hip, creating large, slow circles with foot

  5. Split squat (front foot on a chair): 30sec / side
    *Note: focus on spreading the load throughout the leg

  6. Overhead arm raises: 15x (no weight added)
    *Focus on coordinating arms with shoulder blades

  7. Bent-over shoulder extensions: 15x (no weight added)

  8. Squat to chair: 10x

  9. Finger figure-8’s: 10x index finger leads + 10x pinky leads

Equipment links:

UPDATE: My mom bought the combo bench I previously linked here and the built-in Roman chair is quite bad and not even usable for side bends so I removed that from here. The Roman chair I have here that you had been using is back on Amazon so I linked that below along with a less expensive regular weight bench.

Also, in case this is too much stuff to get all at once, feel free to let me know if you want to start off with just the necessities and build up to the full equipment setup (if you could only get 3 things, it would be the pull-up bar, resistance bands and the dumbbells / plates — with just those we could still build a full routine by just using different exercises to replace what we had been using all of the other equipment for)