• 2 sets of handstand + mobility:

  • 3 sets of seated BB overhead press (OHP) and BB squats (rest 2min btw sets):

    • Seated OHP: 35lbs BB x 9-10-11

    • Barbell squat: 55lbs x 6-8-10p (p = pause at bottom of each rep)
      *Keep negatives slower than in video (~3sec)

  • 3 sets of L-sit, shoulder stand, and stiff-legged deadlifts (perform all 3, then rest 2min btw sets):

    • Shoulder stand: tuck x 12-12-12sec

    • L-sit: tuck x 10-10-10sec

    • SLDL: 55lbs x 10-10-10

  • EMOM: 5 minutes (5 sets, one set every minute on the minute; can use an EMOM/interval timer or just keep an eye on a stopwatch)

    • Chest-supported DB row: 20lbs DB’s x 6-6-6-6-6
      *Aim for near exact technique and tempo in video (note: emphasize pulling with your back more than arms by pulling DB’s to sides of belly button rather than chest)

  • 2 sets of chest-supported reverse fly + incline pec fly (perform both, then rest 2min btw sets):

    *Set adjustable bench to only one notch of incline above flat setting

    • CS reverse fly: 5lbs DB’s x 16-17
      *Note: aim to find an angle of pull where you feel your posterior delts more than your traps and rhomboids (though it’s normal to feel both)

    • Incline pec fly: 5lbs DB’s x 1-1 ultra-slow rep (tempo: 20sec down, 10sec hold, 20sec up)

    • Walk: 5min+

KEVIN: Monday Session

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