LISSA: Home Sessions
6x / week after ashtanga
5-minute continuous circuit:
Pseudo hang (knees bent): 30sec
Arm raises to overhead: 2lbs x 5
Bent-over shoulder extensions: 2lbs x 5
Bodyweight squats: 5x (pause 1sec at bottom)
(Optional) Increase time of circuit to up to 10min
Twist flop: 1min
Standing meditation: 1min
Single set of each:
Pseudo hang (knees bent): 60sec+
Single-leg balance: 2min / leg (incorporate any combination of full-body movement and knee-to-head movements)
Twist flop: 1min
Standing meditation: 1min
Single set:
Pseudo hang (knees bent): 60sec
4-minute continuous circuit:
Bodyweight squats: 10x (1sec pause at bottom)
Single-arm pull-down w/ side flexion*: 10 reps per side (will have to experiment with weight to find a weight that feels challenging but not straining)
*Video: Like THIS, but without the exaggerated backward lean
(Optional) Increase time of circuit to up to 10min
Twist flop: 1min
Standing meditation: 1min