Martin’s “Homework” Practice
(beginning 6-25-21)

Warm-up (All sessions)

  • 1 minute standing meditation

  • 20x “pick-up” squats

    *Keep spine tall and hold body as if picking up heavy object)

  • 30-60 second plank hold

    *To emphasize hollow shape, tuck tailbone and keep core / glutes / legs engaged

  • 20-60 second dead hang from rings or bar

    *Go long enough to get “burning” but stop well before failure

  • 30 second standing forward fold

    *Fold stomach into thighs, then slowly straighten knees only as much as can be done without breathing belly to thigh contact

  • 30 second (per leg) kneeling hip flexor stretch

Optional: If you have the kids with you, you can replace the above warm-up with 1 minute each of puppet from standing, tabletop, hollow, and plank

Mondays + Thursdays

  • 1x 20-60 second chest-to-wall “light-foot” handstand

  • 15 attempts: Handstand straighten into line

    *Only come off the wall ONCE on each attempt and then take a short rest before next attempt (if with the kids, you can rotate after each try). Do not over-think exact details, just lift from wall with the aim of getting your entire body tall, straight, and in balance. Don’t put too much stock in or pressure on each attempt. Just try once, then rest.

4 rounds of each (complete both before repeating):

  • 1x negative press handstand

    • Kids: 6 high ape handstand pass-throughs

  • 2x hanging leg raises (toes touch wrists)

    • Kids: 5x hanging tucks

10 minute rotation:

  • 5 second floor L-sit hold

    • Kids: 10 second pseudo L-sit (feet on floor, butt up)

  • 1x slow skin-the-cat rep

  • 30s (per leg) cossack squat

Tuesdays + Fridays

  • 1x 20-60 second chest-to-wall “light-foot” handstand

5 rounds of each (complete all 3 before repeating):

  • 1x crow to headstand to crow to squat (slow!)

    • Kids: 1x crow attempt (try on tip toes first, then with ONE foot up, then if light, steady and comfortable, can attempt full lift)

  • 2x pike push-ups

    • Kids: Same, but less forward lean and forearms don’t need to be vertical yet

  • 1x SLOW chin-up

    • Kids: 1x jump to negative chin-up

10 minute rotation:

  • 1x SLOW negative push-up + hold

  • 10x prone T lifts

    *5x as in video + 5x with thumbs facing floor

  • 30s (per side) maximum length split squat

    *Maximum distance between front and back foot with equal weight on both (ie organic front split without requiring straight front knee)

Cool-down (all sessions)

  • 1m soft bouncing, shaking, or hopping

  • 5 minute standing meditation