1x per week each:

  • Push + Squat (~5-12 sets each)

  • Pull + Pike (~5-12 sets each)


  • Primary variation: round-back knee-push-ups (RB KPU)

  • Emphasis: connect to full upper body tension, including scapular muscles

  • Initial test: RB KPU x 6

  • Hierarchy of progression: feeling -> volume -> (at 12+ reps) inclusion of reps without knees down


  • Primary variation: pick-up squat

  • Emphasis: finding tempo / activation that allows for finding best feeling pathway of movement

  • Initial test: 20lbs x 17

  • Hierarchy of progression: feeling -> volume -> weight


  • Primary variation: pull-down bar (PDB) bent-leg (BL) pulls

  • Secondary variation: PDB straight-leg (SL) pulls

  • Emphasis: full connection to upper body / pulling musculature

  • Initial test: PDB BL pull x 7 // PDB SL pull x 5

  • Hierarchy of progression: feeling -> BL volume -> SL volume


  • Primary variation: pick-up pike (down the middle, weight to floor)

  • Alternate variations (in order of likely frequency of use):

    • Elevated pick-up pike on stair

    • Angled pick-up pike (alternate reps going to left/right)

    • Behind the back pick-up pike

  • Emphasis: allowing natural movement / loading of the entire posterior chain with locked knees

  • Initial baseline: 90sec sets of slow movement

  • Hierarchy of progression: feeling -> depth / volume -> weight