Nigel’s Daily Practice
Done :)
*#B=BreathPlank + downward dog: 3 rounds of 1B in plank, 2B in DD
Ostrich: 10 steps, step on inhales, fold on exhales
Kneeling hip flexor stretch: 5B / side
Crab bridge: 5x + 2B hold
Clean & Press
Rest ~2min btw setsSet 1: 45 x 12
Set 2: 65 x 8
Set 3: 85 x 5
Rest 1-2min btw setsHand / wrist prep: ~1-2min of gentle hand, wrist, and finger stretching (any)
4 sets of 20sec wall split handstand holds
*Can either time them or simply come down before the point of strain
Rest ~2min btw sets1 set of 8 scapula pulls (from hanging, retract shoulder blades down and back with minimal elbow bend and lower back to full hang with control)
3 sets of chin-ups (3-5-6 reps)
*If no rings are available, use an over/under grip (1 hand over, 1 under) and switch to 4 sets of 4 reps, alternating which hand is which from set to set1 set of dead hang (5B)
5 deep breaths in crab bridge stretch
1-2min arm / body shaking and/or 5min walk