Travel Session (volume focus):
Box breathing (standing): 3min @ 5sec
*Google “metronome” and one will pop up ready to use right at the top“Morning stretch” x 2min
Free-form bear (in-place): 1min
Single-leg balance: 2min / leg
Overhead arm raises: 5lbs DB’s x 10
Bent-over shoulder extensions: 5lbs DB’s x 10
Split squat (front foot on bench): 30sec / side
Side lying shoulder external rotations: 5lbs x 20 / arm
Rest 3min before first strength rotation
2 sets:
Seated DB overhead press: 15lbs DB’s x 15-20 (x 15-20 = 15 on set 1 / 20 on set 2)
Lat pull-downs: find a weight that feels challenging but doable for 15-20 reps per set (if there isn’t a cable pull-down, there’s likely to be a machine version)
Squats: 20 bodyweight squats (slow negatives, pauses at bottom)
Rest 3min after each round
2 sets:
Knee push-ups x 15-20 (slow negatives)
Chest-supported DB row: 25lbs DB’s x 15-20
DB RDL: 25lbs DB’s x 15-20
Rest 3min after each round
2 sets:
Seated DB curls: 15’s x 10-10
DB skull crushers: 15’s x 10-10
Reverse lunges: bodyweight x 8/leg (alternate legs each rep)
Rest 2min after each round
DB pec stretch (supine on bench): 5lbs DB’s x 1min
Crab bridge + sit-back: single hold of each for 10sec
Navasana: 10x + 10sec hold
Wall couch stretch: 30sec up/back, then 30sec hips forward
Twist flop: 1min
Jackhammer: 1min
Standing with eyes closed and arms relaxed: 3min
2 sets each (complete all, then repeat):
Deep breathing: 10 slow, deep breaths; on final breath, breathe out as slowly as possible and hold with empty lungs for 5sec or longer
Dead hang:
First set: pseudo hang x 1min
Second set: full hang x 15sec
Straight-leg bear crawl: 1 minute
Split squat (front foot on chair or bench): 30sec / side
Crab bridge: 5 reps + 10sec hold
Bodyweight squats: 5x (lower slowly to 5sec hold on each rep)
Full Home Session:
*Replace daily practice with this full session once per week on Thursday or Friday (no later than Friday to be fully recovered for Monday sessions)
Smooth, easy deep breathing (focus: ease and smoothness of air flow): 1min
Line breathing: 5sec inhale + 5sec exhale (work up to 5min comfortably before increasing to 6sec)
1 set:
Pseudo hang: 30sec
Slow bear crawl: 1min
Split squat (front foot on bench): 30sec / side
Full hang: 30sec
Overhead arm raises: 2.5lbs DB’s x 10
Bent over arm raises: 2.5lbs DB’s x 10
Crab bridge: 5 reps + 10sec hold
*Remember to focus on lifting with glutes, not lower back
2 sets:
Ring Push-ups: 8 knee push-ups w/ maximum pain-free range of motion
Set 1: 5 bodyweight reps w/ 5sec holds at bottom
Set 2: 6 reps holding 30lbs medicine ball at chest w/ 2sec holds at bottom
Rest 2min
2 sets:
Set 1: 25lbs DB’s x 8
Set 2: 35’s x 8
Set 1: 25’s x 6
Set 2: 35’s x 6
Side lying shoulder external rotations: 2.5lbs DB x 10 / arm
Jackhammer: 1min
Arm shake-out: 1min
Standing with eyes closed and arms relaxed: 1min
Standing physiological sighs: 10 breaths
Hotel Gym Session
Supine physiological sighs (2 inhales via nose + long mouth exhale): 5min
2 sets (complete all 3, then repeat):
Slow bear crawl: 1min
Split squat (front foot on bench): 30sec / side
Crab bridge: 5 reps + 10sec hold
*Remember to focus on lifting with glutes, not lower back
2 sets:
Push-ups: 5 reps w/ hands on bench
Squats: bodyweight x 5
*Lower slowly and hold each for 5sec at the bottomRest 2min
2 sets:
Set 1: 20lbs DB’s x 8
Set 2: 30’s x 5
Set 1: 20’s x 5
Set 2: 25’s x 5
Jackhammer: 1min
Arm shake-out: 1min
Standing with eyes closed and arms relaxed: 1min
Standing physiological sighs: 10 breaths