Run: 3min
Downward dog + plank: 5 each + 10sec holds
Hang: 20sec
Split squat (kneeling version): 30sec / side
3 sets:
Toe pulls (no set time, just keep going as long as quality balance attempts can be made)
Set 1: kneeling split squat (30sec / side)
Sets 2-3: butterfly stretch (15lbs DB’s x 45sec)
Rest 1min
5 sets (@ 0-3-6-9-12min):
Bodyweight squats: 8p3s (8 reps, 3sec holds at bottom)
Seated overhead press: 12.5lbs DB’s x 8
Ring rows x 8
*Rings at belly button height
3 sets (@ 17-21-25min):
Shoulder stand (on chairs): no set time, just practice opening position
Half L-sit (on chairs): 5sec per side
Pull-ups: 3 reps (black band on one ring, red + yellow on the other)
Drop stance: 5 reps per side, 3sec holds on all
Pike hinge: 7.5lbs DB’s x 8p3s (8 reps, 3sec holds in stretch)
*Standing on bench, let one dumbbell go on either set over the edge of the benchTwist flop: 1min
Jackhammer: 1min
Walk: 5min+