• Run: 2min

    • Wall calf stretch: 30sec

    • Hang: 25sec

    • Straight-leg bear crawl: 1min

    • Split squat stretch (kneeling version): 30sec / side

    • Wall/tree lat stretch: 30sec

    • Overhead arm raises: bodyweight x 20

    • Bent-over shoulder extensions: bodyweight x 20

    • Single-leg self-guided puppet: 90sec / side
      *Standing on one foot, keep all 3 other limbs in continuous motion while remaining in balance (or if training with Henry, you can use your hands to give each other targets to follow!)

  • Chest-to wall (or chest-to-tree) handstand leg switches:
    *Progress goal: increase “hover” time during switches (at 25sec into this video is a good example)

    • 3 sets (@ 0-3-6min)
      *No need to time, just keep going on each set until you reach RPE 7-8.

      NOTE: can replace 1-2 sets with heel pulls if you have a wall and/or a tree that you feel confident kicking up to

  • 5 sets of ring push-ups (RPU) + single-leg RDL:
    *Set rings to roughly 18” from the floor and place feet directly under where rings are anchored from

    • @ 12-15-18-21-24min:

      • RPU x 5-6-5-6-5 (RECORD 4th set)

      • 1L RDL (3sec holds on all reps): bodyweight x 9-9-9-9-9 (9 reps on all 5 sets)

  • 4 sets of ring L-sit:

    • @ 30-33-36-39m:

      • All sets: 5-10sec hold in bent-leg L-sit (RECORD LAST SET)
        *Set rings 12-18” from ground and lift feet barely off the floor; keep your arms as straight as possible and tight into your body; expect lots of shaking and instability the first day doing these :)

  • 1 set of leg curls:

    • @45min:

      • Red band x 30 leg curls
        *set ring to roughly 1’ above head height while standing

    • Walk: 5min+


Session feedback / RPE:

*Video Submissions:

  • Handstands (any set)

  • RPU (4th set)

  • Bent-leg L-sit: last set