Sascha’s Training Program
(Oct 3-17)
Perform 3x / week on non-consecutive days
Tabletop mobility — 2 minutes
(:30 each — Spine, scapula, hips, wrists/hands)4-Legged mobility — 1 minute
(free-form movement from on hands and feet)Up & downs — 6x chest to floor + 6x back to floor
(any method as long as it ends up symmetrical)Straight-leg bear crawl — 45 seconds
Pseudo-hang — 30 seconds
Frog hops — 15 hops
Strength & Skills
Alternate between (2 sets each)…
- Pike press (3s hold x 3-6 reps)
- Hang tucks (3s hold x maximum reps)Alternate between (3 sets each)…
- Ring push-ups (maximum reps)
- Ring rows (maximum reps)
*Switch to next progression of push-ups and/or rows when you can do 12 reps of the current progressionAlternate between (2 sets each)…
- Psuedo L-sit (maximum timed hold with metronome)
- Split squats (4s hold at bottom x 8-10 / leg)
Release & Breathwork
Diagonal stretch — 2 sets of 10 reaches + 10sec hold per side
Standing forward fold release — 1 minute
Wim Hof breathing (1-4 rounds)
- 30 “balloon” breaths
- 1 calm in/out breath (don’t have to fully empty lungs)
- Hold breath as long as possible without excessive strain (log hold times above)
- Inhale and hold for 10 seconds (if doing another round, begin after hold)