Suzanne’s Home Movement Practice:
Total of 2 days of homework (1 of each below)
To avoid back-to-back days, if you do the “A” session on Thursday, wait until Saturday to do the “B” session (not Sunday since our sessions are Mondays)
Any form of walking, grapevine, and/or backward walking: 5min
Up & downs:
4x to seated
4x to chest
4x to back
2 rounds (complete all before repeating):
Baby squats: 20x
Bear crawl: 15-25 feet
Crab scoot: 8x forward + 8x backward
2 rounds (complete both before repeating):
Walk: 1-3min
Side lying external rotation + Powell raise: no weight or small water bottle x 10 each
Single-leg touchdown squat: 2-3” x 10 each
Dumbbell half deadlift + overhead press*: 3lbs DB’s x 8
*Hinge primarily from hips to bring weights to knee height, then lift overhead
Backward walking: 3-5min
Up & downs: 5x to chest
2 rounds (complete all before repeating):
Frog stretch: 1-2min (explore any angles that feel best to stretch)
Fire hydrant: 15-25sec hold per leg
Figure-4 rotations: 5x per side + 30sec stretch on last rep per side
Seated softening release w/ legs crossed: ~1min
Countertop push-ups: 10x (slow tempo)