Run: 3min
Downward dog + plank: 5 each + 10sec holds
Hang: 20sec
Toe pulls (~RPE 7)
Split squat stretch (kneeling version): 30sec / side
Rest 1min
Toe pulls (~RPE 7)
Loaded butterfly stretch: 20lbs DB’s x 1min
Pseudo muscle-ups (set rings to belly button height) x 5
10 sets (@ 0-2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18min):
*For both types of ring rows, use bent-leg stance and rings at belly button height, hanging directly down from bar roughly like THIS. See video linked below for how to use/rotate the false grip on rows.
Push-ups (regular floor push-ups) x 6
Regular ring rows x 3
*Continuous from FG rows above - just let false grip go and get 3 more repsBodyweight squats: 6p3s (6 reps, 3sec holds)
10 sets (@ 0-2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18min):
Pull-ups: 2x
Seated DB overhead press: 20’s x 4
RDL: 25lbs DB’s x 1 rep at 5551 tempo (5s down, 5s hold, 5s up, 1s pause)
10 sets (@ 0-2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18min):
*For both types of ring rows, use bent-leg stance and rings at belly button height, hanging directly down from bar roughly like THIS. See video linked below for how to use/rotate the false grip on rows.
Regular ring rows x 3
*Continuous from FG rows above - just let false grip go and get 3 more repsRing dips x 3
*Half range of motion on first set 2 ease inBulgarian split squat (back foot on bench) x 3 / leg
1 set:
*Rest as needed after strength rotation aboveL-sit (2sec) -> shoulder stand (10sec) -> L-sit (5sec)
Twist flop: 1min
Jackhammer: 20 breaths
Walk: 5min+