Kevin’s Program: PHASE 1

*Full body sessions, 3x / week


    1. Run: 1min
      *If no space, bounce as if jumping rope

    2. Overhead arm raises: 20x
      *No resistance, just controlled lift to arms near ears

    3. Wall tibialis raises: 3sec holds x 10 + 10x quick reps

    4. Prone Y raise: 3sec holds x 6

    5. Hip bridge: 15x + 15sec hold

    6. Face pull: 10x + 10sec hold
      *Red band anchored in door, feed grey band through red band as in video; start gently with these as they are quite challenging for the external rotators

    7. Side lying hip abductions (side leg raise): 10x + 10sec hold

    • Run/bounce: 1min

    • Straight-leg bear crawl: 1min

    • Beetle:

      • 8x V-up (from on back up to highest 2-hand reach)

      • 8x pike plow (lift hips to reach feet behind head)

    • Crab bridge: 10x + 10sec hold

    • Seated leg curl: red band x 20 (anchor in top of door, sit on chair; band under foot, pull foot under chair)

  • 3 sets:

    • Chest-to-wall handstand:

      • Set 1: 25sec

      • Set 2: 35sec

      • Set 3: heel pulls (press into hands to help lift heels from wall; as many kick-ups + attempts as can be done in 1 set while fresh enough to keep attempting balance)

    • Elevated split squat stretch: 30sec per side; front foot on chair

  • 3 sets (perform all 3, then rest 1min before next set):

    • Knee push-ups

      • Set 1: 5x

      • Set 2: 7x

      • Set 3 9x

    • 1-arm row w/ red band

      • Set 1: 10 / arm

      • Set 2: 12 / arm

      • Set 3: 15 / arm

    • Squats

      • Set 1: bodyweight squat, 10 reps w/ 3sec pauses at bottom

      • Sets 2-3: Cossack squat, 3sec holds x 6 / leg (alternate sides on each squat)

  • 2 sets (perform all 3, then rest 1min before next set):

    • Knee push-ups: 10x / set

    • Band lat pull-down: red x 10-25 reps
      *The difficulty will vary based on how far you are from the band; simply do enough reps to feel a solid burn / pump in lats

    • Single-leg hip hinge / RDL (first 30sec of video): rotate through all 3 angles shown at start of video 3x each (9 total hinges per leg, then switch legs)
      *Only touch the floor if able to do so with legs and back straight, otherwise just go deep enough to feel stretch

      • Set 1: ipsi-lateral: same side hand as standing foot

      • Set 2: contra-lateral: opposite hand from standing foot

    • Jackhammer: 2min

    • Arm shake-out: 1min

    • Standing with eyes closed and arms relaxed: 1min

    • Supine lying release (2 inhales through nose, 1 long exhale through mouth): 15 breaths

(PREVIOUS) Kevin: Hotel Gym Session

  • *B = Breaths (5B = 5 deep breaths)

    • Light pace run (3-5min)

    • Hang (5B)

  • 2 sets:

    • Side-lying external rotation:

      • Set 1: water bottle (adjust rep target based on size of bottle: 16oz = 12 reps / 24oz = 10 reps / 32oz = 8 reps)

      • Set 2: 5lbs dumbbell (DB) x 6 (stop set and go back to water bottle if you can’t feel this in rear shoulder)

    • Side lying hip abductions: 10x + 10sec per side

    • Rest 2min before 2nd set or moving to trap-3 raises

    2 sets:

    • Trap-3 raise: water bottle (3sec holds at top of each rep; if 16oz: 8 reps / 24oz x 6 / 32oz x 5)

    • Chest fly stretch: 5lbs DB’s x 3B lowering + 3B hold + 3B lift

    • Rest 2min before 2nd set

  • 2 sets:

  • 2 sets:

    • Push-ups:

      • Set 1: hands elevated on bench x 5

      • Set 2: knee push-ups on floor x 5

    • Reverse lunge (alternate legs on each step):

      • Set 1: bodyweight x 9 / leg

      • 10lbs DB’s x 9 / leg

      • 20lbs DB’s x 9 / leg

    • REST:

      • 2min

  • 2 sets:

    • Jackhammer: 2min

    • Arm shake-out: 1min

    • Standing with eyes closed and arms relaxed: 1min

    • Supine lying release (2 inhales through nose, 1 long exhale through mouth): 15B